
YouTube Influencer Justine Nelson Collaborates with SLUDTERA to Launch Financial Literacy for Kids Summer Camp

  • SLUDTERA is collaborating with YouTuber Justine Nelson of Debt Free Millennials to offer a Financial Literacy for Kids Summer Camp for children 8-12 years old.
  • The camp will teach children how to make money, spend responsibly, save and grow money, and invest money using the activity book Investing for Kids by Justine Nelson.
  • It will run for two weeks each in August, in the North and South of the island, with a limit of 15 participants per camp.

SLUDTERA has embarked on yet another initiative to impact youth, this time ages 8-12 years in the North and South of the island, in collaboration with YouTuber Justine Nelson.

The Campā€™s curriculum was developed by Michelle N. Samuel SLUDTERAā€™s founder & president, and is centered on the activity book Investing for Kids by Justine Nelson of Debt Free Millennials. The Summer Camps will be implemented in collaboration with entrepreneurs, and community-based organizations.

The Summer Camps will take place in the month of August – one in the North from the 7th to the 18th and the other in the South, from August 21 to September 1st, Mondays to Fridays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Each camp is limited to fifteen participants with a total of 30 hours of engagement with Facilitators.

ā€œThe goal of this camp is to teach children 8-12 years old how to build their financial vocabulary, be smart with their finances, and learn how to invest, so that they would not necessarily need to depend on their parents or guardians when they get older.ā€ commented Michelle N. Samuel.

Justine was equally excited about the project which is based on her book, ā€œOh wow thank you so much for the support and Iā€™m so glad to hear this will support youth programs in your city!!ā€

The camp will cover information and activities under the topics Making Money, Responsible Spending, Saving & Growing Money and Investing Money. There will be theory and practical components to the camps, the practical, will extend to six months after the camps have concluded.

Each participant who successfully completes the camp, will receive credit to a Savings account in their name, co-signed by a parent or guardian at a financial institution. The participants will also get to virtually meet Justine Nelson when she delivers remarks at the closing ceremonies.

The Financial Literacy for Kids Summer Camp costs XCD$75.60 per child and parents and guardians can register them by going to Registration closes on Friday July 7th, 2023.

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