The National Workers Union (NWU) will on Saturday, February 15, host its 2025 Annual Congress of Delegates under the Theme “Effective Workers Representation in an Era of Transition: Organizational Priorities and Strategies for the National Workers Union”.
In keeping with the NWU’s Constitution, Delegates from over sixty operational branches of the union will converge in the Conference Room of the John Burke King Industrial Academy at UNITY HOUSE, #7 Maurice Mason Avenue, in Sans Souci, Castries to begin the Open Session at 9:30 a.m.
Chairperson, Cde Kimani Pompelis will guide the proceedings during the formal Opening. Cde Nnamdi Obodoechina, Central Committee Member and Shop Steward at St. Jude Hospital will invoke God’s blessings, mercy and pardon.
Secretary General, Cde Johann M. Harewood will in his Welcome Address, set the tone for the occasion. Brief Remarks will be received from the Minister of Labour.
Development Economist, Mr. Ausbert D’Auvergne will deliver the Feature Address and will also declare the Congress open. Solidarity Messages from affiliates and sister trade unions and a Vote of Thanks will draw the curtains on the Open Session.
The Close Session will follow, dealing with the organization’s Constitutional operations for the coming term.