Prime Minister Philip J Pierre has described this year as one ‘pregnant with opportunities” for Saint Lucia.
Pierre, in his New Year’s address to the nation, noted that the substantial mandate given to his party at last July’s general election was to plot a different political, economic, social, and national agenda for the country.

“As a country, we must ensure that this opportunity given by the majority of the people creates an agenda of transformation of our country,” Pierre said.
He spoke of the country being saddled this year “with the negative effects of COVID-19 and a sovereign debt burden of over $3.9B and over $500M of other debt commitments.”
“An unfinished St. Jude Hospital and the Hewannorra International Airport Re-Development project, all of which are experiencing rising costs above and beyond what we were originally told.
Getting our public finances in order will take a herculean task of policy coherence, strategic communications, and consultations, efficient implementation, resource mobilization, elimination of corruption, transparency, and accountability in order to achieve better economic outcomes for our nation and economy,” Pierre said.
He referred to the outcome of the July 26, 2021, general election as heralding a break with the past noting that “It is a past that we do not wish to return to, in which special interests and families dictated public policy. We must resolve to develop a country based on inclusiveness, meritocracy, equity, and justice,” Pierre said.
He described last year as “very difficult and challenging for our country- given the negative effects of the pandemic on the health sector, in particular, and the entire economy as a whole.”
“The pandemic years, coupled with misguided policies, have made planning for the future difficult. However, your government has hit the ground running and has been able to deliver on a number of promises. We have delivered on our promise to meet the cost of facilities fees and CXC CSEC fees for Math and English, more laptops, housing assistance, a reprieve of rental arrears for the CDC tenants, reduced cost telecoms bundles, additional resources in our fight against COVID, extended vehicle concessions to our hard-working front-line personnel. 2022 must be a year of national reassessment, rebirth, and recalibration. Our nation will have to live with the pandemic while addressing the systemic shortfalls in education, healthcare, social justice, governance, and infrastructure,” Pierre said.
Honorable Prime Minister J. Pierre, you have set a viable compass for St.Lucia’s journey to the promised land of social, health. economic and cultural stability.
While there will certainly be obstacles in the way of progress, you have demonstrated by your capable handling of the woes of a pandemic and the reviling of the detractors of your policies that the wounds of St. Lucia and St. Lucians are in the blue stages of healing.
Proceed on the course of :first firming the security of the people.
Explore and harness that which dissolves the hard phlegm of crime and violence; greed, covetousness and discontent from the people; especially our youth. Draw them away from the traps of inordinate materialism. Let us learn again the motor of our fathers
Pas jalouse bagai mone. Ou pas sav say yo faire pour le.
Satisfa-ou ec sa-qui-sa-ou
Belle parole mone sa un vaire larceny
Pas quite mone quena-ou
Remember, there is a GOD above in full control of all, and by HIS guidance none can countermand the plans you hav charted for the progress of St. Lucia and St. Lucians.
We live in the hope of exclaiming again-
GOD’S richest blessings to you, your Cabinet and all the saviors that HE has sent upon the mountains to minister to the progress of our Island Home.
GOD bless St. LUCIA, our island home.