Assou Squareā€™s Hits And Misses

THE three-day Assou Square event brought out hundreds of patrons earlier this week. However, what was previously billed as a fun event in years past has turned out to be a mixed bag for many who either found the fun or found it lacking in many respects. With sporadic showers putting a damper on the event each day, many people nevertheless came out to take in the final days of the holiday season. There were lots to eat, drink and buy. But one really needed to look closely to find the fun in some cases.

Clocks, Mirrors, Business

Image: Young entrepreneur, Sephra Duncan, says following her passion for business has liberated her. [PHOTO: Stan Bishop]

SOME entrepreneurs are lucky and smart enough to know when the right moment and idea actually gel. Sometimes that reality is actually planned. Even better, the reality comes to life through a fortuitous moment when one discovers a creative talent that remained latent. Such was the case of Sephra Duncan, owner and designer of Starburst Productions, who fell into business accidentally nearly two years ago with what started as a hobby and has now blossomed into something bigger.

High Jumper Jeannelle Scheper Inspires Young Athletes

Image of Jeannelle Scheper ....on and off the track. [PHOTO: Anthony De Beauville]

ONE of Saint Luciaā€™s female athletes who competed at 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil had a few words of encouragement to those in attendance at the recently-held Elite track and field club annual awards at Bay Gardens Resort and Spa in Rodney Bay. World-ranked high jumper JeannelleScheper was in scintillating form off the track with her inspiring words, using the theme for the evening, ā€œInvesting now for the futureā€.

Veterans Football Series Resumes This Weekend

THE Veterans Football Tournament organized by Veterans In Sports Inc. and Caribbean Alliance Insurance resumes this weekend with the quarter final stage at the Phillip Marcellin Grounds. From 6:00 p.m. Saturday, former champions Behind the College All Stars who had the worse finish in the preliminary round in Group B since the inception of the tournament will take on home team Vieux Forth South who opened their campaign with a 5 – 1 drubbing of Laborie Veterans, but lost momentum along the way in Group A.

An Act of Deception

ALL indications were that the UWP was against the Sunset Bay Resort Development in Sabwisha, Choiseul. Of course there is little that needs to be done to convince anyone that the hotel development was nothing but an election ploy. Only, the backfire seems to be in the faces of the people of Morne Sion, New Field, Fiette, Delcer and La Pointe. But again, my people like to complain in silence.

Pros, Not Cons

SAINT Luciaā€™s Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) featured prominently last Sunday on CBSā€™s ā€œ60 Minutesā€ programme in an episode entitled ā€œPassports for Saleā€. In the episode, the island was listed among other nations implementing the programme as being ā€œcash-starvedā€ and benefitting from the US$2 billion global industry that ā€“ unfortunately ā€“ provides a safe haven for people with questionable pasts.

Citizenship Made Easier

Image of Chief Executive Officer of the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU), Cindy Emmanuel-McLean

IT is now cheaper to acquire St Lucia citizenship by way of investment. This follows changes to the regulations governing the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) just announced by the government. The qualifying contribution for an applicant for St. Lucia citizenship is now US$100,000 or half what it was when the programme was announced at the beginning of last year.