The Royal St Lucia Police Fore tonight cancelled all leave for policemen as the island braced itself for an onslaught by a powerful weather system.
A notice from the Police Commissioner said All Police Officers were advised that all leave is cancelled from 11 p.m Tuesday September 27, 2016.
Officers are to report to the Police Station nearest to them. Notes should be made in the Station diaries reflecting reporting time. Officers are to remain at the Police Stations until further instructions from the Commissioner of Police.
After listening to Hon. Lenard Montoute deliver a clear and articulate message without counting words like the ignorant and functionally illiterate thug Allen Chastanet, about the approaching weather disturbance, I am even more convinced that the people of this country who selected this ignorant thug Allen Chastanet who reads like a Tee ABC dropout, are victims of the Caucasian Religious teachings that God is a White man.
Here is the articulate delivery by Lenard, but he should be on notice that the White Supremacist Allen Chastanet that The incompetent thug Allen who is never comfortable around strong Black men will do all within his power to break his legs like was done to Richard Frederick, and now Shelton Daniel.
Here’s Lenard:
The House Negroes would not put this intelligent Black Lucian to lead their UWP Party because he is not WHITE, choosing the BOORISH and FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE Allen Chastanet who is nothing but a criminal thug and pathological liar, to lead the people of St. Lucia; thanks to the House Negroes like Rick John Wayne, and Black Pete Josie. Here’s Hon. Lenard Montoute:
The Functionally Illiterate Ignorant thug COUNTING WORDS AT THE U.N.
This nincompoop Allen Chastanet was as predicted, an international EMBARRASSMENT. This idiot could not read a speech he had practiced reading for four months without annihilating the English Language, stopping at every word/counting words like a TeeABC Dropout.
@ 0:24 he counted- “LONG EXPERIENCE. AND “PAYHOWER” POLITICS. PROVE THE CONTRARY” – up to now I cannot understand what “PAYHOWER” means? Can someone please help me ?
Ki sa misyeh ka di la ? Sort pyes pas sa di mwen sa misyeh ka di la./ None of you can tell me what this imbecile is saying there as he “COUNTED WORDS”. You will need an interpreter. You Lucians pas ni honte/have NO SHAME.
@ 2:12 The idiot counted these words: “THAT LED. TO THE WORLD. INTO THE CRISIS. IN THE FIRST PLACE.”
@2:19 “ITS DISPORTIONATE IMPACT” ?????? WTFFFFFFFFFFFFF???? DISPORTIONATE IMPACT – You people have lost your minds, trying to get the Nobel Prize for INVENTING WORDS by THE CON MAN ALLEN CHASTANET. When will you UWP-Lucians admit, you have BLUNDERED??
‘Forward, the Light Brigade!’
Was there a man dismay’d ?
Not tho’ the soldier knew
Someone had blunder’d:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do & die,
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.