Our WOTW’s title as National Archivist can easily be mistaken for National Activist but in the case of Margot Thomas, this mistake can be forgiven since she can fit into the role of both on any given day.
Thomas is one of the guardians of St. Lucia’s most prized possessions…its history and her job is one that she does with the utmost pride at the National Archives Authority of St. Lucia.
In Thomas’ own words: “I am very passionate about my country, passionate about life, passionate about living, about being genuine, being honest, being an activist for justice and being free to speak my mind.”
Thomas says she owes her passion for all things St. Lucian to her love for reading. This, she says fuels her drive to do what she does.
“I read a lot as a child. I used to take part in lots of debates…I like books, I like studying, I like finding things out and most of all, I like sitting by myself and thinking”.
Thomas adds that she sees herself as a visionary: “I sit and think of what could be and about making the world a better place.”
As calm as she comes across, Thomas is in fact a warrior in the sense that she fights fiercely not only to protect our history but to educate the new generations along with the rest of the population about the nuggets of gold that makes us St. Lucian.
She says; “I was a teacher for 19 years and I enjoyed it. I think teaching is the greatest profession. (She taught English A and B at a number of schools including the Entrepot Secondary School and the Soufriere Secondary School). I got into archives and I have been doing my best to let people know about our history, our culture, where we are from, getting their identity so they can love themselves and their country.”
Although Thomas might be a fierce advocate for educating the nation, she has a soft and funny side to her that those closest to her are all too familiar with.
She says: “No matter how I try to be serious, I end up laughing. I have a weird sense of humour and sometimes it even appears to be irreverent but it is just that I see laughter all around me. I like to laugh.”
As they say, laughter is therapy for the soul and with such a major responsibility on her shoulder, it is amazing that she can still see the beauty and humour as well as help spread it everywhere that she goes.