The Saint Lucia National Housing Corporation has received several reports of misinformation related to the housing unit previously occupied by Mr. Lincoln ‘Skinny” Maynard who unfortunately passed away at Hospital recently. The NHC first wishes to express our condolences to the family of the late Lincoln Maynard. For clarification, Clause 5.1 requires the person who is leasing a residential unit to declare the members of his Household and Clause 14.2.1 of the Lease Agreement states that the Agreement shall automatically terminate upon the death of the Leaseholder. The surviving adult members of the household, who may be occupying the unit at the time of death, may enter into a new Lease Agreement with the Corporation if they do qualify.
It is the policy of the NHC that on the death of any apartment in which there was a sole leaseholder with no declared household, that the Unit is immediately locked both for the protection of the assets of the leaseholder as well as that of the Corporation. Mr. Maynard was the sole leaseholder of the unit and has never placed any additional persons on the lease as part of his household. The Corporation hopes that this clarifies the issues and remains willing to provide any further support to the family of Mr. Maynard. Any person interested in occupying the aforementioned premises is free to apply to the NHC.