For many St. Lucians, the effects of the pandemic are still being felt at varying degrees. Even shopping for basic needs and food supplies remains an uphill climb for many. Thankfully, a glimmer of relief was brought to the forefront in the Christmas Season of 2021 – Courtesy of Peter & Company Distribution Limited. In an interview with Lawrencius Felix (Brand Manager at PCD) this is what we learned.

The promotion ran from Dec. 8th to Dec. 31st. Consumers were tasked with simply purchasing any BOP product, and submitting their receipt online for entry. According to Mr. Felix, “The online approach was for the convenience of the consumer.” The grand prize was one year’s worth of groceries, valued at XCD$8100.00, which can be redeemed at Massy Stores Supermarkets, Massy Home, Rubis Gas Stations, Diamond Girl and more through monthly vouchers. Another aspect of the promo was carried out on social media. Customers were to post a video on social media with the #BopBringsJoy hashtag stating why they’re using bop. Six winners were chosen to receive grocery vouchers valued at $100 each; usable at PCD retail stores, M&C Drugstore.
“The drive behind undertaking this promotion was to give back to consumers especially during the pandemic. We decided, what better way to do so than through free groceries,” Felix said. He went on to elaborate that it was a huge success in terms of sales volume as well as consumer participation, “That’s usually the case with similar promotions that we’ve run before,” he added.
Ending on a hopeful note Felix stated that, “Both PCD and the brands that we carry are remaining committed to the community and our valued customers. There are similar promotions in the pipeline that’ll allow support for the brand and result in us giving back to our customers.”