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IFLE CARICOM Programme Continues

Alliance Francaise and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) are continuing the IFLE CARICOM programme which commence last year. This project aims to integrate French as a language of exchange in the English-speaking Caribbean. IFLE which stand for the French ā€œIntegrer le FranƧais comme Langue d’echangesā€, means ā€œIntegrate French as a Language of Exchanges.ā€

The IFLE CARICOM programme aims to provide students with alternatives in terms of higher education and to promote greater mobility within the region for students by improving their capacity to speak French. In this regard, Alliance Francaise is working to increase the competencies of secondary school French teachers in the English-speaking Caribbean.

In continuation of this initiative, Alliance Francaise on Tuesday gave an overview of the progress made in 2019 in the aim of supporting CARICOMā€™s ambitions toward the ā€œAffirmation of a collective identity, the development of trade, the promotion of intra-regional mobility and an increased openness of the region to the world.ā€

Christel Outreman, Regional Counsellor at Alliance Francaise, in an effort to harmonise the relationship between the Saint Lucian community and France invited members of the public to participate in a famous culinary French tradition called Le Chandeleur which will be held on 2nd February. This is a French tradition in which most French households prepare crepes for supper.

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