AS the Ministry of Youth Development and Sports continues to mark April as Youth Month, the Member of Parliament for Gros Islet is joining in the observance with an activity for aspiring young entrepreneurs from the constituency.
Parliamentary Representative Ms. Emma Hippolyte, has organized a one day Youth Entrepreneurial Workshop for Saturday at the Gros-Islet Secondary School. The objective is to motivate the youth of the constituency to be self-reliant by assisting them to understand how they can establish their own businesses.
Said Ms Hippolyte: “If the young persons can be encouraged to become entrepreneurs then this will be a step towards reducing youth unemployment in Gros Islet.”
About 100 youth from various organizations in Gros lslet will be attending the workshop which will be facilitated by a number of the island’s business organizations as well as some of the nation’s prominent entrepreneurs.
This is a fiasco waiting to happen. everybody knows or should know that the biggest obsticle to overcome in small business ventures is being under funded. Where is the money going to come from for these “broke” youth? It’s just pie in the sky wishful thinking Bullshit. Train the youths to be able to say,”would you like fries with your order?” Because that’s where they gonna end up working. Some drive through window.
Emma is nothing but an out of her league minister, grasping at whatever straw possible to make people think she doing something. Emma, you doing less than nothing. Time to go home and make some sandwiches.