THE University of the West Indies Open Campus Saint Lucia, in collaboration with the IMF’s Regional Resident Representative presents, “IMF 101 – The Evolving Role and Functions of the IMF”. A presentation on “Regional Economic Issues” will also be made during the same session.
Both presentations will be delivered at the Open Campus on Morne Fortune on Wednesday 11 March, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. by Mr Wayne Mitchell, current IMF Regional Resident Representative with responsibility for the member countries of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union.
A national of St. Lucia and a proud graduate of The University of the West Indies, Mitchell began his career as an employee of The Ministry of Finance in St. Lucia before taking up a position at the ECCB in 1991. Ten years later he would join the International Monetary Fund www.imf.org/external/about.htm and undertake country assignments as Economist, on Lesotho, Estonia, Uganda, Liberia, Kosovo, and Rwanda, with review responsibilities covering the Heavily Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) Initiative.
Prior to taking up his current assignment, Mitchell was the IMF’s Resident Representative in Ghana for three years. His research interests and writings are on external debt and financial sector issues.
An engaging speaker, Mitchell’s timely presentation is guaranteed to provoke much lively discussion and debate.