THE Cap Estate Golf Course was alive this past week and when junior golfers were busy sharpening their skills in two major events.
According to coach Tim Mangal, day one saw the international format of drive pitch and putt being tested out. That format challenged the youngsters in the three different aspects of the game with the premium being on overall consistency.
In the end the winners were – Boys 7 and under Thaeden Antoine 427 points; Girls 7 and under – Erin Charles 562 points; Boys 8 – 10 year old – Miles McNamara 619 points; Boys 11 – 14 year old Dylan Mauricette 645 points, Girls 11 – 14 year old Tiala Scott 499 points and Boys 15 -17 year old, DaronhilMauricette 577 points.
The first junior monthly medal for the year took place on Saturday with some new names emerging in the winnerâs circle. The monthly favourites were knocked off their pedestals by newer and younger guns. There was also a new category introduced; a net prize included in two of the three categories.
The winners were: Girls division, 1st place Jade Brown with a score of 112, 2nd place K.C Gill 113. 1st net – Zanaii Taylor 86.
In the Junior 9 hole division, 1st place went to Kyai Taylor 59 and 2nd place to Keymanie Thomas of 50.
In the Big Boys Division there was a changing of the guard:1st, place went to Rayshorn Joseph with a score of 95, 2nd was Adrian Richelieu with a score of 94, while 1st net went to Dominique Monrose with a net score of 80.
The top three, Joseph, Richeliautomatically qualified for entry into the adult Monthly medal slated for Saturday 7 February, Rayshorn Joseph, Adrian Richelieu and DaronhilMauricette.