I (have) met journalists that were on both sides of things; Young, enthusiastic and hardworking journalists, working on the online side, and those who had been there forever. There was one journalist who had running shoes under her desk in case she had to kick off her heels and go out and cover a breaking news story. Rachel McAdams

In today’s fast paced world, it is all about breaking news; news rooms are busy with developments competing, each for the latest up to the minute news. News Directors have a difficult time in deciding what takes priority. Who gets the news first? There is no waiting for the news schedules when it is news time. Now news is breaking anytime, all the time.
Things are getting really hectic in our world. The Breaking News caption is now a fixture on our Television screens. Everything is happening all at once, whether it is COVID 19 pandemic, war in Ukraine, Crypto currencies collapse, inflation, food shortages, all categories of crimes, etc., etc. The list goes on and on. There is never a dull moment.
I can no longer stick to one topic, I have decided that Harris at Large will be at large, sharing my opinion with my readers in directions wherever breaking news lead me. This past week saw our Prime Minister, Honourable Philip J. Pierre in California, addressing the Summit of the Americas and moving on to Turks & Caicos for the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) 52nd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors.
Saint Lucia’s presence at these important gatherings is vital to establishing the position of the new St. Lucia Labour Party (SLP) administration in relation to its role in creating a new vision for St. Lucia, and the hemisphere of the Americas, leaving none of our neighbours behind, striking a note that all the peoples in this hemisphere must sit at the negotiating table. Staying away from these gatherings does not help the cause of any nation.
Every opportunity must be taken to highlight injustices wherever they are occurring. To continue to isolate Cuba is politically, economically and socially wrong. It borders on human rights violations. The case of Venezuela needs urgent attention as the people are being deprived of basic necessities due to the current embargo. There is a window of opportunity to bring Venezuela to the table and help its leaders find solutions to their internal and external positions that engender grave uncertainties. The Guyana and Venezuela border dispute must be resolved. Haiti must not be left on its own to find its way to democracy, and the need to embrace economic and social justice. There is a lot to be done to bring balance to the world’s affairs.
America is struggling with its own version of democracy as former President Donald J. Trump attempts to redefine democracy. America cannot attempt to unite the world when the nation is divided at home. The closed door hearings of the January 6th Commission are now being shown publicly on cable television.
It is a travesty to see the position that is taken by the majority of Republicans, both in the House and the Senate. The direction in which the United States of America is heading will be revealed in the midterm elections. There are only four months left before Americans will head to the polls. Unless the Democrats do something to stop the steal that is planned and legislatively supported in many States, they will lose in a manner never seen before.
The Republicans in spite of being in the minority have been able to hold the Democrats in check on many acts of dealing with voting rights, social benefits, health care, and infrastructure to name a few areas where no action is likely before the midterm elections. The situation is further aggravated by the current high price of fuel and inflation. What can President Joe Biden do at this time to better his party’s chances at the polls in November? It is a daunting task.
In the meantime, here in Saint Lucia, it is Carnival time and the temperature is rising. It seems as though everything is in place for a great Carnival, 2022. The world is tuned in and the Caribbean diaspora can be expected in large numbers. Let us do our best to make it a safe and memorable Carnival.
Stay tuned for Breaking News!
Be vigilant, stay healthy and keep safe. COVID 19 and its variants are still with us. Follow the protocols and ensure others do. We have work to do, so please stay alive. Blessings!
Edward Harris
Freelance Journalist/Realtor/Business Consultant
Facebook: www.facebook.com/eaharrisdestiny
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://stluciagreatpropertydeals.com