Letters & Opinion

Spare A Thought

THE EDITOR: Some who support the government are celebrating the ruling of the Appeals Court in the UK on the appointment of Juffali as Ambassador to the IMO for Saint Lucia.

I wonder how many are sparing a thought for their Ambassador who, it has also been ruled, must face the action brought by his former wife. Yes, the SLP may have escaped but their alliance with Juffali has not saved the Saudi from his wife, which may have been the initial reason for his paid romance with sweet St. Lucie.

–De Observer.

1 Comment

    I bet you were the boy who got a thrill from placing small mirror UNDER the desk of girl student then go home to masturbate if her panty covered muffin came into view.
    Given this early CONCEITED perversions,
    I am not surprised that you aspired to be a local stool pigeon for Scotland Yard or the CIA .

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