Letters & Opinion

Life, Sickness and Death too Costly to Play With!

Carlton Ishmael
By Carlton Ishmael

RECENTLY I was at the hospital and despite the fact that I had an early appointment it took me forever to see the doctor. But, on reflection, one of the main reasons seems to be the number of patients to be attended to. It seemed that every other person (than me) was more-sick and needed more-urgent medical attention. Then, I began to assess the process from not feeling well to all the varying stages one has to go through before finding the necessary cause and cure.

After visiting a doctor, the next stage is to have a series of tests, depending on what type of sickness you may have, and that can come at a hefty cost, and regardless of if you are insured or not, you must first come up with the ready cash, and hopefully claim at least a percentage from your insurance company when all is done.

That means that you would have to secure or find the necessary cash to determine the outcome of your medical investigations. From that point, after you have been diagnosed, you now have to seek the necessary treatment, and again that can add-up to an unhealthy cost.

The process continues and once again you return to the institution, to deal with the long lines and the waiting for service that comes with it. Granted, the facilities are available, as well as the related service, but not being prepared cash-wise or otherwise can become a problem.

So, I have to admit that most of the time the cause of our illness is self-inflicted, simply because we can sometimes become abusive to ourselves and live a carefree life and not be more cautious as to what we eat or how nourished we are and how much abuse we sometimes do as it relates to our eating and drinking habits.

We throw caution to the wind, in most cases we abuse ourselves, take advantage of everything. We behave that way with alcohol or drugs and foods that may not be healthy, all because we never consider the consequences of our actions.

It takes discipline and self-control, as well as positive thinking, to avoid most bad habits. And our bad habits can be plenty, as well as in some cases addictive.

A lot of people live with the concept that tomorrow will take care of itself, but after my experience, if you do not have a saving or a source of earnings and cannot meet medical costs, you may just be your worst enemy, so be careful, be cautious of all your intakes and your imbibing — and don’t let greediness become a full-blown habit.

Just know when to say no and use the words ‘I have had enough’. So, say no sometimes because failing to take this suggestion into consideration can have you becoming a victim of your own stupidity.

And remember to get well or better comes at an additional cost and believe me the cost of medical treatment is never cheap. And failing to deal with the issue can become your demise and your departure from this life.

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