THROUGHOUT life, there are various guidelines and stated facts that refer to being sensible. Some came from the Bible, others from schooling, or we got them through our parents and some just from paying attention and reading.
Common sentences or cautionary statements, if you can call it that as well, are broad and plentiful.
Let us start with some basic ones such as ‘Before you cross the road look right, left, right again, then cross…’ You also heard such statements like ‘Don’t jump in the deep end of the water if you can’t swim’, or ‘The early bird catches the worm’, ‘First come, First served’, ‘Birds of a feather flock together’ and ‘You can tell a person by the company that they keep.’
Biblically, you hear ‘what you sow is what you shall reap’, ‘how you make your bed is how you will sleep on it’ and ‘every beginning must have an end.’
Then, there are some that are psychological, such as ’Don’t hang your hat where your hand can’t reach’, ‘If you don’t plant the corn you can’t reap from the barn of benefits’, ‘If you live by the sword, you shall die by it’ (and the same refers to the gun) – all statements for guidance and caution, that, if not heeded, can lead to devasting episodes in your life.
But fast-forward to today and the attitude towards accepting these guidelines, or statements of ethics seem to be non-existent.
Life teaches us countless examples of the Dos and Don’ts, but regardless of all the teachings and sensible thoughts and reminders, we seem anti logical.
We are confronted daily with people who break that code of living, care little for standards or values, seem continually careless and do nonsensical things on a daily basis.
Plenty want a job, but would rather steal, be crooked or deceitful, rather than offering in return a fair day’s work.
People lie, incite violence, destroy without care or attention, behave in scandalous ways, live sinful lives and care little for self or others.
We are living in an era of the great disregard for life, in all its forms, the menacing greed, the envy and malicious behaviour, all interwoven in their being.
To be sensible, to have pride, to give respect where it is due, to do onto others as you would like them do unto you, all these are virtues of the soul and represent the spiritual side of our being simply compromised. The masses are back to destructive mode, salvation is a far-off cry and nobody yearns for Heaven.
And all the powers-that-be still accept this new reality, sit back and do nothing. Why? Because they all have waved the White Flag of surrender.
Poor-Jab Nou!