For thousands of years, life has been teaching us the same lessons over and over. Through war and peace; through rags and riches; through stories of hope and of despair; through tragedies and failure that end in triumph and success…” Mauricio Chaves-Mesen
We are living in a world of grave uncertainty where the morals of the past are no longer practiced and men can no longer be held to their word. It is all about expediency. Dominance is sought in every action at any price. There is no respect for human life and property.
Our world is heading in a direction of chaos, and no one seems to be able to speak sense into the heads of the perpetrators. Non interference in the affairs of other nations prevents any level of critical assessment and possible suggestions to find common ground. There is also the situation of allies refusing to speak out against injustice, even to the point of abstaining from a vote when it will be opposing the action/s taken by an ally.
No one can cast a blind eye on the destruction and dislocation that is taking place in Ukraine. It is all about Russia using their superior fighting capability, basically trying to bully Ukrainians out of their land. However, the intended walk through the park did not occur due to the fighting spirit of the Ukrainians and the protection of their dignity which the Russians are attempting to trample upon. The lives of soldiers are lost on both sides and yet no serious attempt is being made to arrive at a settlement that will bring about a cease-fire.
The scarcity of oil and gas has hit Europe and other nations that are depending on their supplies from Russia. In spite of the sanctions imposed by the developed nations of the free world, individually and by international organisations such as NATO and the United Nations, President Putin refuses to budge or come to the table to discuss a peaceful resolution to the ongoing war.
The earlier the leaders involved in the war settle down to finding a solution, the earlier the escalating global prices will be arrested. Shortages of goods and increase in prices have already begun to dig into the pockets of consumers. It is in the best interest of all to bring pressure to bear on those involved in the conflict. Organised protests should be undertaken on a global scale to bring to President Putin’s attention the atrocities he is committing against the people of Ukraine. A Global Day of Prayer involving all religious bodies should be scheduled at the earliest. There is a need for the peoples of the world to stand up to President Putin and let him know that he is on the wrong side of history.
There are many lessons to be learnt from our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who are standing up for their country in the face of all adversity. They are demonstrating what it means to put country before self. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has demonstrated what is meant to be a real leader by staying in his country and fighting to keep the Russians off. Even though he is not getting all that he is asking for because of far reaching implications, he is quoted as saying “We will not surrender, we will not lose, we will go to the end.” It is my sincere hope that his life will be spared to see the end of the war and claim victory for his nation.
Remember COVID 19 is not going anywhere right now, continue to exercise caution, and maintain appropriate protocols.
Stay Healthy, Stay Safe! Blessings!
Edward Harris
Freelance Journalist/Realtor/Business Consultant
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