Most recent pronouncements, first by the Leader of the Opposition, and now from the Prime Minister, suggest a bright tomorrow.
Granted, we have been promised several development projects in the past that are yet to come to pass, but it seems that this time around we are being told we will get double, because, as the saying goes, “It’s all about timing…” and what better time than the eve of a general election.
Now, it’s about the battle for the minds and the promisers will use any means possible to convince voters that what you hear being promised this time around is more than a good reason to vote for one or the other party.
Some methods remain the same, the usual going behind a podium or behind the camera to try to influence the voters that they should be favoured and buy into the parties’ ideas, or change your alliance because you are dissatisfied.
But I would like to ask both parties, if outside of Tourism there is any other plan to create mass employment? I would also further like to ask them in what way will they change the education system to make it more relevant to today’s needs?
And finally, is there a comprehensive plan to deal with crime because it is becoming a major concern again, as always but more now?
In addition, I still find it disturbing that we do not have debates between candidates, or having a forum where the general public can ask them questions directly.
When monies are borrowed on the people’s behalf, is it to build structures, roads and drains. But do the people have any direct benefit?
When is there going to be a policy of recall so underperformers can be made to account for their poor performance while in office? Must we always have to endure them for five years?
If there was a public outcry for constitutional reform, why no action has been taken to date on the recommendations?
I also dare to ask why cannabis has not been decriminalized and why it remains a crime to plant or have in one’s possession? Can laws be enacted to restrict the sale of our lands for next to nothing prices?
If any of the political hopefuls can answer me or give assurances that these subjects will be dealt with, then they deserve our vote, but until then the battle of the minds will continue.
It is not a change of party that is needed but a change in policy and attitudes. We look, we listen and we see and we know the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
So, what are we going to do?
I await the answers…
The post John Compton (UWP) and George Charles (SLP) government leadership have reduced the island to the status of a failed state,
Any bid to resuscitate the economy, education, health, business condition of the island, must be set forward by men and women of integrity; whose aim is not to line their pockets with its resources, but to take the yoke of government corporate and business inequity off the people’s back.
Examine the difficulty in obtaining a birth certificate, burying the dead, or any of the transactions of human living that secures the dignity of its people. Immediately the cries of bondage burst from a people robbed and cheated by their leaders.
The shepherds feed themselves and leave the flock scattered to the beasts of crime and violence and only look for them when they need their votes.
The men and women who decide to take leadership of the people of St.Lucia must be be determined to fix the blistered souls of the people.