We woke up on the morning of Saturday July 24 to the devastating news of the passing of retired police officer, PC 108 St Clair.

Ricky St Clair was Saint Lucia’s longest surviving dialysis patient. He started dialysis on April 28, 1995 at the age of 22, after being diagnosed with End Stage kidney disease of unknown aetiology. Despite this grim diagnosis and what is often viewed as a lifetime of hospital and doctors’ visits, Ricky never lost his cheerful disposition. A god fearing, family man, he approached each day with calm reverence and an appreciation for the precious gift of life.
He was a consummate gentleman and professional, with a perpetual smile and willingness to lend a helping hand.
As we at the Saint Lucia Renal Association extend condolences to his loving wife of 21 years Mrs Joanna St Clair, his mom Ruth St Clair and his children; Rickella, Keegan and Tetana, we also recognise that if he were here Ricky would be saying “sa pa gwav”, as such we choose to celebrate his life, the cherished memories, his ability to defy the odds, (including surviving Covid-19 in March) his resilience.
To Ricky we say Rest well amigo. Your work here is done. We will see you on the other side.
Merle L Clarke
Consultant Nephrologist
Patron Saint Lucia Renal Association