Dr. Gale T.C Rigobert, Minister for Education, Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Development will be the Speaker at the St.Lucia Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture Luncheon on Wednesday 28thMarch, 2018 at the Bay Gardens Hotel.

The Minister is expected to speak to her Government’s plans and action as far as Education Reform which has long been recommended by Policy Advisors at home and abroad. The Chamber from its own members’ perspective continues to call for a better match between the needs of the private sector and the outputs of the education system.
The Chamber has specifically called for increased attention to the Education Sector through reform and more skills training while also recognizing the role that a well-structured and coordinated apprenticeship program can play.
This Luncheon will be the first time that Minister Rigobert will speak and dialogue directly with the captains of industry and has been long in coming. It is hoped that this will be the launching pad for a more robust and ongoing conversation between the Ministry of Education and the Private Sector on making the education sector more responsive to the needs of the business and wider community.
The Luncheon will be held on March 28th 2018 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Members of the Business Community are expected to hear the Minister and exchange views with her in the usual very interactive question and answer period which follows the Luncheon Presentation.
Interested persons should contact the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture via email [email protected] or telephone 758- 452-3165.