HEAVY focus was placed on bilateral trade when 72 Saint Lucian and Taiwanese companies teamed up to show off some of their best products at this year’s Saint Lucia-Taiwan Partnership Trade Exhibition held at Johnsons Centre in Rodney Bay.
The exhibition ran from Friday through Sunday and attracted hundreds of patrons eager to either see or patronize the businesses offering their wares. Many also got the chance to speak with and get firsthand information from the businesses about the wide range of goods and services being offered.
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Thus far, the reviews seem to indicate that exhibitors were pleased with this year’s organizing of the event and patrons, too, expressed their bewilderment at being exposed to goods and services of a high quality being produced in Taiwan and Saint Lucia.
For especially first-time exhibitors, the experience has been one that promises future sales and growth of their goods and services. Many admitted that the exhibition has been their most formal introduction to the public.
The VOICE toured the exhibition and shares here some glimpses of what this year’s exhibition had to offer.