

The roadmap for elevating the quality and effectiveness of the Ministry of Education was undertaken recently at an instructional focus meeting held at the NSDC Centre in Vieux Fort.

The meeting provided stakeholders in education the opportunity to chart the way forward and to make improvements on professional growth and leadership practices within all departments of the ministry.

These are areas which Minister for Education Innovation, Gender Relations and Sustainable Development, Dr. Gale Rigobert, believes are integral to the various departments achieving their mandates.

“That kind of stocktaking and introspection is critical to growth. There is little good for us to become comfortable doing what we’ve been doing forever, without sticking a pin and saying let us review what we’ve been doing. Let us highlight our wins and our successes, but further let us identify the gaps and determine how best we can narrow these with a view to improving upon what we are doing,” emphasized the minister in her remarks.

A major aspect of the meeting was the area of leadership within the education system. Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Esther Brathwaite, called on participants to embrace change as they look to achieve their goals.

“We need to share a common concern about helping students develop 21st century skills. We are the management and leadership in the education system; so as leaders let us transform the pedagogy. Let us expand the learning beyond the classroom walls,” said Ms. Brathwaite.

The two-day meeting was held under the theme, “Increasing Productivity and Effectiveness through Collaboration and Consistency.”

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