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Talking Health

ST. JUDE Hospital, in collaboration with Des Moines University, Iowa, will host the inaugural Continuing Medical Education (CME) Conference in January. The conference is aimed at doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, social workers, and allied health staff, and will provide relevant and accredited continuing education opportunities for healthcare professionals in Saint Lucia and the wider Eastern Caribbean in order to promote development and optimal patient care.

Fit4Life – The New Year Revolution

Prior research has shown that not getting enough sleep can impact your weight, but new BYU research finds the consistency of your bed time and wake time can also influence body fat. Exercise science professor Bruce Bailey studied more than 300 women from two major Western U.S. universities over the course of several weeks and found that those with the best sleeping habits had healthier weights.

Towards an Afro – Caribbean Museum

Image: Seamstress Rosa Parks was stitching this dress when she was arrested in 1955 for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. (Photo courtesy: National Geographic)

AT an upscale hotel in the Chilean capital Santiago, I came across a few Blacks. All were Chilean – and all were waiters, cooks or housemaids. I’d seen the same before in neighbouring Argentina and Colombia, so I wanted to talk about Blacks in South America with the young guy who silently poured my coffee with a wide smile every morning. But that was out of the question, as our tongues didn’t mesh.

St. Lucia Awaits 31st. ARC Vessels

Image: Flotilla participants heading to IGY Marina. (Photo: Anthony De Beauville)

THE 31st Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) set sail this past Sunday from Las Palmas de Gran Canariaen route to Island Global Yachting (IGY) Rodney Bay Marina. Close to 30 seaworthy crafts simultaneously set sail from the Castries Harbour at 12:00 noon as part of the 11th annual Flotilla.Organized by the Saint Lucia Tourist Board, the Flotilla is a symbolic event commemorating the official start of the ARC.

Oh Yes, Mr. Peters

Commission members John Peters, Gordon Charles and BrianLouisy.

Dear John: In your column of November 19 you accuse me of journalistic mischief, indicating that I had suggested that you possessed insider information on the recent CDB Report. That implication however came from your article of October 1 in which you state “In fact my understanding is that the report went even further to advise that the analysis is showing that a reduction in VAT has a minimal multiplier effect, and thus will not improve the revenue of Government.”

Where The Sun Rises and Shines

WHY does the sun rise in the east and set in the west? Perhaps, it’s because the global economy spins towards the east. Already we know that the Sun, the Moon, the planets and the stars all rise in the east and set in the west. As major economies have long tied their economic fortunes to the east, many more – especially emerging markets – are increasingly turning east where the sun rises, giving their backs to the west.

Being Left Behind

Commission members John Peters, Gordon Charles and BrianLouisy.

IN the 1950’s when St Lucia took the decision to move away from sugar and go into bananas, it was a strategic move that brought great fortune to our country. We became leaders in the OECS in the banana trade, and at one point we were producing over 127,000 tons for export. However in the early 1990’s the banana train derailed and we have been in economic turmoil since.