
Local Agencies Stage Successful Health Walk for School Participants

Participants involved in the Health Walk
Participants involved in the Health Walk

Over 1,500 students from 11 schools in District II participated in their annual Health Walk last Friday, January 10.

Education Officer for District II, Merlyn Polimus-Innocent, declared the 14th edition of the event a resounding success. The primary purpose of this event is to kick off the Inter-District House Sports Meet, which runs from mid-January to early March.

Local agencies such as the Ministry of Health/Dental Unit, the Student Services from the Ministry of Education, the Saint Lucia Blind Welfare Association, the Saint Lucia Planned Parenthood Association, Liberty Nursing, and the Saint Lucia Diabetes and Hypertension Association played vital roles in supporting this event.

Participants began their walk at the Camille Henry Memorial School grounds, accompanied by lively music from Mobile Discos. They proceeded along a designated route that took them onto L’Anse Road, past the District II Education Office, left at Serenity Park, and continued past the Labour Department and the National Cultural Centre. They then turned right by First Baptiste Church, proceeded down Darling Road, took a right onto Jn Baptiste Street, and concluded at the Vigie Multi-Purpose Sports Complex.

The following schools took part: Camille Henry Memorial, Carmen Rene Memorial, Canon Laurie Anglican, Gordon and Walcott Memorial Methodist, Patricia D. James Secondary, Vide Boutielle Combined, Mon Du Don Combined, St. Mary’s College, Castries Comprehensive, and Sir Ira Simmons Secondary.

Additionally, the route was well-monitored by members of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (Traffic Department Outriders), personnel from the Saint Lucia Fire Service, and volunteers from the Saint Lucia Red Cross Society, along with the in-house doctor at the La Clery Health Centre, ensuring safety throughout the event.

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