Letters & Opinion

With a Rocky Road Ahead, the New Government must be Straight and Narrow!

Image of Carlton Ishmael
By Carlton Ishmael

WITH every new transition of government, much is expected. And for better or for worse, a new course must be chartered. No doubt there have been many deals and projects established by the last regime that have to be honoured, continued or discontinued, as well as reassessed.

Many pronouncements and systems and strategic planning went on while the last regime was empowered, such as the ‘cluster’ concept and the ‘Belrose doctrine’, as well as the alleged land deals and the consistent borrowing.

All that has to be revised — and in some cases adjusted. Rethinks will be needed, as well as dealing with the reality of what was left behind or inherited.

Many new staff members were employed, some progressive, some destructive, some competent and some favoured because of party affiliation.

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All that spells confusion and ‘conflict of interest’ in some cases, but the Government must be able to establish who is ‘for us’ or ‘for Country’ and who represents ‘a stumbling block’.

In my mind, it will not be easy to sift through the lot but it is obvious that some will have to go, some will be allowed to stay, others will have to be paid-off, while many will be waiting on the sidelines, hoping to be considered.

If promises have to be met, there is no doubt that there will have to be changes, many new alliances will have to be forged and considered; and new as well as old problems will surface.

The bottom line is, the task of remodeling is not going to be a walk in the park, nor easy to deal with. The new regime will have their hands tied, they have to fix the broken and mend some fences, as well as continue from where the last regime left-off.

Much is expected from this new Government. There are plenty of expectations, lots of wants as well as needs to chart a new or different course. So, the road ahead will be rocky and rough, but the Government of the day has to find a way to maneuver cautiously — and at the same time speedily.

The new appointees have to prove to be more efficient and the old heads have to be prepared to get resistance from some people and lack of cooperation in some cases. Some will hope that things remain as it was in the past for their own convenience, while some will hope that necessary changes will take place. But the problems of yesterday will not just disappear and the new and additional concerns will continue to mount.

How the government applies itself to all these variable circumstances will be key to their success and we have to admit that an election cycle is short. So, I hope the people will come to grips with what is involved to establish the new, awaiting changes but also realizing that progress sometimes takes a lifetime to happen.

I know, for sure, that some heads will roll. But it is important to note that for better things to come, crucial decisions will have to be made — and it’s going to be more than talking the talk, it’s going to be about established policies that will create justifiable changes. If we reduce the number of square pegs in round holes and replace them with more competent and righteous people, we should see a more productive and progressive tomorrow. But, as the saying goes, only time will tell…

But I welcome this change because I think that the worst is behind us. Now, all eyes have to be looking ahead to the future to see what brightness we can take out of these hard COVID times that will not just go away just because we sent one government away.

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