THE EDITOR: Recently, a local talk show host (who also should know better) has been highlighting the effects of KARMA — and more recently has highlighted specific names of individuals who question his lifestyle, but more importantly, he seems to gloat over the whole affair.
At his age and modus operandi, he fails to understand that what goes around comes around and those with glass homes should not throw stones.
Today, one of his most trusted past partners in the Marigot area has now revealed some telling stories of their sordid relationship. If only half of what has been divulged is indeed correct, St. Lucians will remain in shock.
This is not the only bit of information coming to hand, as there are strong rumours that the US authorities have now found it fitting to carry out deeper investigations on a number of individuals whose visas have been revoked.
If this information is indeed correct, could it possibly be that the Karma referred to is about to manifest itself once more?
We make these comments based on the manner in which the learned gentleman continues to malign individuals by way of airing confidential information about or involving them, thereby undermining the confidence of financial institutions which remain the core sector of every economy.
As we are fully aware, US authorities seldom put investigations aside on a permanent basis and those who offend US law can always rest assured that their names are never taken off the list of ‘persons of interest’. (The Lionheart)
The Lion makes no deal with the Lamb – it is sooner or later.
What goes around comes around. If a man thinks of himself to be more than he is he tools himself.
What happens in on country ( say the uk) affects what happens in another (say barbados)