DURING the Sir Arthur Lewis Memorial Lecture/panel discussion on the economic impact of climate change in the Caribbean held on Thursday evening, the lead presenter, Dr. James Fletcher, took a thinly-veiled shot at President Donald Trump, stating that there are some leaders who believe that climate change is “a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese.”
Although the former government minister never mentions the American President by name, his reference to a Chinese hoax narrowed down the possible world leaders it could have been to President Trump.
What the President actually said in the November 6, 2017 tweet about the topic was: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”
Dr. Fletcher, soon after commencing his presentation, said that: “Last year, we had a very active Atlantic hurricane season and I think many of the doubters about climate change (question) whether there really is such a thing as climate change and (ask) is it just residual noise, or is it something that is concerning us. Some of that doubt, some of that skepticism disappeared.”
It is there that the panel’s lead presenter said that there are a few exceptions to the general acceptance of the existence of climate change, and then took the opportunity to reference the American President.
“But there are still some in some major capitals of the world and other places who think that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.” he said.
Trump’s views on climate change have been modified since that infamous tweet. In comments he made to the New York Times, he said this about his views on climate change and humanity’s contribution to it: “I think there is some connectivity.”
About climate change, Dr. Fletcher said that “For us in the Caribbean, we’ve always said climate change is an existential issue…It’s a life and death issue.”