Everyday Computing, Features

The Naked Truth

By Dr. Lyndell St. Ville- ICT Consultant

WITHIN the past ten years, smartphone sales accounted for the majority of cameras sold worldwide, meaning that we mostly carry a digital camera as part of our smartphone, instead of carrying a standalone camera. The company, Kodak, a pioneer and heavyweight in the camera industry for more than 100 years, fended off bankruptcy in 2013 to emerge as a much smaller company. Despite inventing the digital camera, Kodak didn’t capitalise on that technology. Reaching for your Canon? Realise that many other camera manufacturers have suffered declines in sales over the past several years.

This trend partly explains the explosion of photos being shared on social media, from tasty dishes to scenic shots. The appetite for sharing photos represents a strong trend, which combines the ownership of a picture with its swift dissemination, probably in a way barely imagined by the likes of Canon and Kodak.

The recent scandal and associated court case involving a government minister, a teenage student, naked pictures and threats, sheds some light on our use or misuse of technology. Some of the truths exposed by this emerging case include:

(1) The inappropriate sharing of information.

The apparent rising circulation of naked pictures, involving those young people not thinking ahead of the consequences. Good judgement about what to share is a timeless lesson that should continually be taught.

(2) Safety does not end with physical security.

Although parents and guardians may mistakenly assume that safety exists when their children are in a known place, that is untrue. Even in the confines of their home and rooms, children remain exposed to the wider internet.

(3) Technology is easily abused.

Growing numbers of phones, tablets and laptops in the hands of more people, with increasing internet penetration, means greater opportunities for mistakes to be made, such as the distribution of graphic material that may cause upset.

You probably know of someone who unintentionally pocket-dialled someone else, because their phone was unlocked and the dialler still enabled. It is a fairly common occurrence, that may cause temporary embarrassment. On the other hand, if you intentionally share information that may cause embarrassment, you compound the problem and may cause further distress. After you press the send button, you have no control over what happens next, or who the recipient forwards that message to afterward.

To share your views, contact the author at: www.datashore.net or via The VOICE.

About the Author
Dr.Lyndell St. Ville is an ICT Consultant based in Saint Lucia. His expertise includes systems analysis, design, and capacity building.

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