THE Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States will tomorrow hold a public education forum series to dialogue with the people of the OECS on key topics impacting the future of the region.
The series, dubbed ViniKozé – Kweyol for ‘let’s chat’ – is part of the public education component of the OECS 10th EDF Regional Integration Programme.
The first forum will be held tomorrow at the new Tortola Pier Park in the British Virgin Islands. It will focus on the Education sector under the theme “Creating Tomorrow’s Leaders Today.”
The BVI Forum will be led by a panel comprising BVI Education Minister MyronWalwyn and CXC Registrar Glenroy Cumberbatch. The panel will also include a representative of the private sector, a community activist, and a civil society representative.
The Forum will involve a ‘live’ audience who will be invited to participate and pose questions to the panel. There will also be key resource persons in the audience who will broaden the scope of the discussion, and answer questions relevant to their area of expertise and experience.
OECS Member States have embraced the concept of ‘skills for inclusive growth’ with education as one of the drivers of economic growth, individual empowerment and social cohesion in the region.