
Woman of the week – Angelica O’donoghue-holder

Angelica O’donoghue-holder
Angelica O’donoghue-holder

Today’s WOTW is the typical millennial who was born ready to take over the world with a confident sense of self as a black woman and an insatiable hunger for more knowledge of the depths and the truths of the world we live in.

However, in another sense she is anything but typical as she has actually made some massive achievements in her young life to boost that confidence and to back up every ounce of her self worth.

At only 27 years old, Angelica O’Donoghue-Holder who is originally from Antigua and Barbuda but moved to St. Lucia two years ago, is currently the Senior Reporter and Editor at the STAR News Publication.

O’Donoghue-Holder is also a spoken word artist and blogger who has a passion for art, poetry, fashion, afrocentrism. In her words, she said; “I consider myself a liberal feminist.”

Now, one might assume that her awesomeness would end there, but no, there is more.

Whilst at university O’Donoghue-Holder ran and won the Guild Elections at Mona Campus in her first year, not only as a woman, but also as a freshman from a non traditional Hall and one from a “small island” to boot, as the Guild elections are mostly dominated by male students from traditional Halls of residence, who also originate from the larger islands.

But wait, there is still more…yes really. As if her life is not jam-packed enough, this young Superwoman is in the process of publishing a new book.

The project which has already been completed will be titled “Words spoken that are true”.

O’Donoghue-Holder said the book is a collection of spoken word and monologues which she performed or published on sites over the years. She said; “I consider this aspect of me to be in alignment with what I would eventually do later down in life, all whilst being comfortable with my style of writing, performing on stage and creating a name for my self. It will all come together when I am ready to enter public life in some form.”

She went on to say; “We live in the perfect world for writing. Your work is now seen on a global scale. Your audience is so much bigger than before and you can now gage your impact. Blogging is writing. Millennials have proven how effective this is, even as a job.”
Going back to her book, the writer said most persons who are familiar with her work would know it as “When Women Cry” as she said the book encapsulates so many aspects or reasons why women cry.

She said; “We cry when we are sad, happy, in pain or in love; however, since I have added a few more monologues I have decided to rename to “Words spoken that are true” since I believe that is a bit more direct.”

As always, I went digging for that little secret that every WOTW has, and true to form, she said; “It is a teeth clenching experience for me to read features on women in the world of work and it somehow relegates them to what they do at home, what they wear or who they are married too.”

Feminism and poetry in motion! Luckily today, this feature is all about her and she by far deserves it all.

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