THE Leo Club of Castries today joins with other Leo clubs around the world in celebrating International Leo Day.
This is an annual occasion to commemorate the organization of the first Leo club in Pennsylvania, United States on December 5, 1957 and applaud Leos for their dedicated service in their communities.
As the world’s first Leo club, the Abington High School Leo Club in Pennsylvania created the Leo acronym–-Leadership, Equality, Opportunity–-and they chose their school colours, maroon and gold to serve as the Leo club colours. Later, Equality was changed to Experience. In October 1967, the board of directors of Lions Clubs International adopted the Leo Club Programme as an official programme of the club.
The objective of the Leo movement is: “To provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community”.
The Leo Club Programme has been growing strong for over 50 years with Community service remaining its cornerstone. Like their Lion counterparts, Leo club members enjoy serving their neighbours and watching positive results unfold while having fun.
Every day, millions of children around the world miss out on the joy of childhood. Instead of playing with toys, they deal with poverty, malnutrition and disabilities.
That’s why Leo clubs take part in “Spotlight on Children”, the international service project of Leo club, whose projects give Leos the opportunity to enrich the lives of children by collecting food and clothing for less fortunate in the community, repairing playgrounds, implementing after-school tutoring programmes, visiting children in hospitals and raising funds for immunization.
To celebrate this year the Leo Club of Castries has planned a Leo Professional Development Day which will include formal presentations on team work and social interaction as well fun a games.
The Leo Club of Castries was chartered as a programme of the Lions Club of Castries on April 7, 1984 and celebrated their 30th year of existence last April. Like their Lion counterparts the Leos of Castries can be seen engaging in community projects covering areas such as
• Sight preservation and Education- The Leos work closely with the Lions and the St Lucia Blind Welfare Association in organizing and executing the Kids in Sight Programme which provides corrective eye surgery to needy children ;
• Diabetes Awareness — they partner with the St Lucia Diabetes and Hypertension Association. This year the Leos were instrumental in organizing the Moonlight walk for Diabetes and presented the initiative of lighting blue candles on a blue circle at the end of the walk – in honour of persons who have passed;
• Feeding the destitute – They serve a monthly breakfast to the destitute in the city on the first Saturday of every month. Christmas is especially meaningful when they partner with Super J Supermarkets in the preparation and serving of a Christmas meal to the destitute. This year the activity will take place on December 19;
• Educational Programmes – Sponsor needy children with school supplies as well as participate in the Lions Reading Action Programme and read to students of various schools in the city;
• Cancer Awareness and Education – Again they have forged a partnership with Super J Supermarkets in their annual Walk for Breast Cancer.
• Environment Preservation – The Leos participate in “Let’s do it St Lucia”, an initiative to help keep the environment clean.
For the past 58 years, Leos have served their communities, while developing leadership skills and establishing life-long friendships. Participation in Leo activities and projects helps young people prepare for the future by developing leadership, organizational and social skills. Members experience increased self-esteem and personal growth as they meet challenges and accept responsibilities.
By volunteering their time and talents for the benefit of others, Leos learn first-hand the value and rewards of service. Leo club involvement can start young men and women on a lifetime of helping others.
Sponsoring Lions clubs around the world contributes to the success of the Leo Club Programme. When working with youth, Lions fill the roles of mentor, motivator, counsellor and role model. Sponsoring a Leo club also provides a way for Lions to mentor future community leaders and encourage future Lions.