
New Programme Launched To Accelerate Trade Between Martinique, OECS Member States

PRESS RELEASE – THE Chamber of Commerce of Martinique, the OECS Commission and the Caribbean Export Development Agency have partnered to launch the Trade Enhancement in the Eastern Caribbean Project (TEECA).

The programme is tailored for Martinique-based companies ready to export to Eastern Caribbean markets. The official launch of the TEECA project was held on January 31 at the ‘PôleConsulaire de Formation’ (consular training centre) in Schoelcher, Martinique in presence of the Director General of the OECS Commission, Dr. Didacus Jules.

The programme devised by the Chamber of Commerce of Martinique targets companies ready to export for the first time to Eastern Caribbean countries. Traditionally, mainland France has been the first export destination. However, opportunities offered in OECS Member States have to be taken into account.

In order to start trading with Eastern Caribbean countries, entrepreneurs need to understand the markets, the legal environment and meet potential business partners. Hence, the INTERREGCaraïbeprogramme TEECA aims at fostering mutual knowledge and regional trade as well as strengthening companies’ competitiveness towards international markets through integration and, most of all, through an innovative process.

Since the programme is tailored for businesses with limited export experience, entrepreneurs participating in the TEECA project will benefit from a two-year individual and group coaching programme to ensure their products and services are export-ready.

The TEECA Project is coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce of Martinique and co-funded by INTERREG Caraïbes under the FEDER (European Regional Development Fund). The project is also based upon the strong partnership between the OECS Commission and the Caribbean Export Development Agency.

Companies in areas such as the food industry, IT, environment, music and the fashion industry will be able to apply to the TEECA project starting February 1st, 2018 through the website of the Chamber of Commerce of Martinique.

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