Business, News

Government to Enhance Private Sector Participation in Tourism Industry

Participants at the business consultation forum
Participants at the business consultation forum

The government is actively seeking to enhance private sector participation in Saint Lucia’s local hospitality industry.

Collaborating with private sector associations, government officials from the Ministry of Commerce, Manufacturing, Business Development, Cooperatives, and Consumer Affairs are engaging in business consultations.

These consultations aim to unlock significant benefits for businesses by leveraging tourism as a catalyst for growth and economic development. Tourism remains Saint Lucia’s primary economic pillar, offering new market opportunities across sectors like manufacturing, services, distributive trade, and creative industries. By fostering synergies, businesses can achieve growth objectives while contributing to the island’s economic prosperity.

This proactive private sector engagement aligns with the government’s strategy. Following a meeting between Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre and private sector representatives on May 14th, the need for increased benefits from the tourism sector was emphasized. Additionally, the consultations support the “Love Saint Lucia” campaign, promoting resilience in the local economy by encouraging consumption of locally produced goods and services.

The consultations have three main goals:

  1. Address challenges and opportunities for sectoral expansion.
  2. Formalize collaborative mechanisms among partners.
  3. Identify government support to ensure sustainable multisectoral collaboration.”

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