PRIME Minister Philip J. Pierre presented to parliament, the Estimates of Income and Expenditure and the Budget Appropriation Bill for 2024-2025, both of which had been debated and passed in both houses of parliament.
Indeed, the Appropriation Address recounts the exodus or liberation of God’s people, the Israelites, from bondage in Egypt to the Promised Land.
This article is the first in a series of articles to be published on the Prime Minister’s Appropriation Address. The content of the articles may not deal with the issues in the order in which they were presented by the Prime Minister.
The Budget address is entitled: Building Our Infrastructure for a Resilient Economy. The Primary objective of the address is to achieve sustainable economic growth and wealth creation for our people.
Now in order to achieve that goal, his government will pursue some key policies.
Indeed, I wish to begin with Early Childhood Education Support. Now Early Childhood Development is the early start of human development. Indeed, early childhood development is critical for the human being to be able to participate in national structural development. They must acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in the development of their country.
Now in an article published in the Voice Newspaper of Saturday, 11th June 2022, there is an article written by me entitled: Education: The Pathway to self-Development
Indeed, one of the most important things that children learn in the early years is about themselves that affect the way they approach any situation, task, or relationship with another person. Very simply, children develop self-concept in their early years.
Now, let me give you a couple of Preschool Rhymes for kids. I am sure you will remember those.
(a) Hide and seek. This rhyme injects a dose of enthusiasm into the timeless childhood games. The dynamic composition fosters movement and captivates young imaginations, turning the game into a spirited and engaging experience.
(b) Twinkle, Twinkle little Star. This rhyme would turn the simplicity of stargazing into an enhancing experience for the little ones and their caretakers.
Indeed, space does not allow me to list many other rhymes that are appropriate to early childhood development.
Now coming back to that article on Education as the pathway to self-development, I emphasized the new Education Development Plan of the Ministry of Education.
Indeed, the education system would be able to develop linkages with other ministries. For example, we should see two vital ministries in the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health working together. Those two ministries are vital to early childhood development.
Now early child development is an important component or aspect of Educational Reform. The reformation will certainly change the culture of education in St. Lucia.
In his 2024-2025 Budget Address, the Prime Minister outlined support for Early Childhood Education. Some $2,500 will be made available to every Pre-school operating in the state. This financial support would go a long way in helping pre-schools to acquire useful materials and other school equipment necessary for the development of preschoolers.
Now in the preschool curriculum, there are critical materials that are needed to enhance child development. These materials fall into three important categories as follows:
(a) Kinaesthetic; Students learn and understand best by physically manipulating objects or actually performing the tasks. Some materials include puzzles, blocks, cubes, wooden numbers and letters, modelling clay, globes, maps, crayons, paint brushes, watercolour etc.
Some others are swings, bikes to be used for the physical development of the child.
(b) Auditory: This a learning modality would require the pre-schooler to listen and learn. Some materials are: tape recorders, bells, pianos, radios, television etc.
(c) Visual: Some charts and visual aid ideas include: Television. Now TV is both audio and visual; charts, models, maps, videos, slides, pictures, real objects etc.
Many of our pre-schools in St. Lucia are unable to purchase many of these materials., either for the classroom or individuals.
I had the opportunity of visiting many pre-schools and elementary schools, as they called, in the United States of America. As an educator, it was heartwarming to see the wide range of materials in a United States Classroom. At the time I reflected on the school in my beloved St. Lucia wondering when would our system be able to provide these materials and equipment to schools.
Indeed, with the Hon. Philip Pierre administration, that time is not too far away. The recent financial support to all pre-schools is an indication of where pre-schools and schools generally are heading.
It was even more heartwarming for me to hear that all secondary school in St. Lucia would now have a technical vocational component. This is good, good news for the many children who are not academic. The government insist on catering for the whole child.