A Sitting of the House of Assembly is scheduled for Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 with Papers to be laid by the Honourable Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Economic Development, Youth Economy, Justice and National Security.
Papers also to be laid by the Honourable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism, Investment, Creative Industries, Culture and Information, the Honourable Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Housing and Local Government and the Honourable Minister for Commerce, Manufacturing, Business Development, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs.
The Motions for consideration are as follows:
1. BE IT RESOLVED that Parliament authorizes the Minister of Finance to raise on the Regional Government Securities Market or through private placement at a maximum interest rate of 7% per annum —
(a) the amount of EC$32,100,000.00 for financing the 2023/24 Budget
(b) the amount of EC$433,500,000.00 for refinancing existing debts
2. BE IT RESOLVED that Parliament authorizes the Minister of Finance to establish a special fund to be known as the Anti-Crime Initiative Fund for the purpose of providing monies to execute an anti-crime initiative, including, crime prevention, law enforcement and other measures for national security;
(a) the source and monies to be paid into the Fund comprises —
(i) in relation to the Proceeds of Crime Act, Cap. 3.04 —
(A) under section 9, cash forfeited;
(B) under section 10, the proceeds of a sale of forfeited property;
(C) under section 14, the proceeds of a charging order;
(D) under section 17, monies paid in satisfaction of a confiscation order,
(ii) sums referred to under subparagraph (i) that have been paid into a bank
account approved by the Accountant General in the charge of the Attorney
(b) in accordance with section 23(2) and (3) of the Act —
(i) the accounting officer administering the Fund shall, within a period of one month after the end of the financial year, prepare, sign and submit to the Accountant General statements showing the financial position of the Fund at the end of the financial year,
(ii) the statements under subparagraph (i) must include —
(A) a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Fund;
(B) a detailed statement of receipts and payments of the Fund; and
(C)a statement of investments and interest or dividends credited to the
(c) section 23(1) of the Act relating to the payment and accounting procedures applies to the Fund;
(d) the Permanent Secretary of the Attorney General’s Chambers is the accounting officer who is responsible for administering the Fund;
(e) the Fund must be maintained, unless —
(i) it is closed by the Minister of Finance under section 24 of the Act where the Minister of Finance receives a report from the Attorney General to indicate that the purpose for which the Fund was established has been fulfilled; or no longer exists and, in the opinion of the Minister, there is no likelihood that a purpose for which the Fund could lawfully be used will arise in the future, or
(ii) the terms specified in this Resolution for the Fund has expired.
The following Bills are down for consideration:
1. United Nations Sanctions (Counter-Proliferation Financing) (Amendment)
2. Proceeds of Crime (Amendment)
Tuesday’s Sitting is scheduled to commence at 10:00a.m.
The Sitting of the Senate is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6th, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.