“What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year” Vern McLellan

It is my sincere wish that everyone enjoyed the Christmas Holidays and took the time to give thanks and praise to Yahweh, the mighty one. The Festive Season gives us the opportunity to spend time with loved ones and friends, and to look back on the challenges and successes of the past year. Hopefully, many of us will learn from our mistakes and seize the opportunity to make further progress on the gains made during 2022, in the New Year.
Normalcy was returned to our daily lives during the past year and life was once again in many ways as it used to be, pre-COVID 19. Inflation remained a serious challenge as families dealt with putting food on the table and meeting their monthly commitments. In spite of all the adjustments that had to be made in many cases, we are still in a place where we can give thanks for the several mercies that have been bestowed upon us, most of all for spared lives.
St. Lucians, like other citizens around the world have been severely hit by INFLATION which in many instances has restricted our ability to advance our financial situation and has left many poorer. The legacy of COVID 19, and most recently, the war in Ukraine which caused an escalation in the price of oil have not helped the cause of the poor among us.
The past three years have been brutal. It all started with COVID 19 which affected many families leaving a trail of loss of loved ones. As we look back on 2022, it is easy to conclude that money was in scarce supply in almost every area of endeavour, whether in government or in the lives of individuals. It is comforting for us in Saint Lucia to note recent developments in Government finances which will bring some new funding into our economy.
Once again, we have come to the end of another year when we indulge in the exercise of looking back at the past year, and arriving at strategies necessary to advance our progress at all levels going forward into the New Year. This is the time for RESOLUTIONS. There is nothing that can be done about the past year, except to resolve to apply whatever lessons learned to assist in making 2023 a better year when we will realise tangible benefits that will assist in the betterment of our lives.
I will introduce two words as we seek to cope with the demands of the future. These are Flexibility and Adjustment. Unless we apply flexibility in our daily lives and learn to adjust to changing times, our lives will be most miserable. Serious adjustments will be demanded of many of us. It is necessary for us to embrace change and not seek to resist the only constant. It is my humble opinion that the best way to approach the future is to organise ourselves in groups that will seek to inform and educate us in all aspects of our existence in this fast-paced world. Activism must be expanded. There is a quote in the Holy Bible which states, “… even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4.
It is very important that we dig deep into the quote of the week and decide what we will bring into the New Year. Firstly, I will like you to join with me in seeking to strengthen our faith in the Creator. On January 1, 2023, The Bible Challenge Group on Facebook will commence reading the Bible, one chapter per day from Genesis through to Revelation. Secondly, while everyone may not be involved in business, everyone needs to know about business so that they can better manage their investment and prevent falling prey to scammers. I will like to promote an Investment Club in every constituency. Thirdly, I will like to continue to write my weekly column that will share my perspective on topics of general interest to my readers.
Stay safe, while forging ahead with a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year! Be blessed. Our best life is ahead of us!
Edward Harris
Freelance Journalist/Realtor/Business Consultant
Facebook: www.facebook.com/eaharrisdestiny | www.facebook.com/edharbusinessacademy
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