Letters & Opinion

Let’s replace Santa Hats with Thinking Caps because Apwez Nwel Ses Mal Tete!

Image of Carlton Ishmael
By Carlton Ishmael

Every now and then, we hear the phrase “The more things change, the more they remain the same…” That is so true, because our Governmental policy remains the same regardless of the party in power.

It is always almost only about The Economy, The Tourism Product, addressing the Declining Quality of Bananas, seeking New Development Projects, looking for External Investors, More Vehicles for the Police and employing more people in the Public Service to carry-out the Government’s mandate.

With due respect, all these issues need to be addressed and remain urgent needs, but to my mind there are new concerns that need more urgent attention at this point in time.

One such issue is the growing gun and crime culture. We do not manufacture guns, nor do we have schools in criminality, but the trade and availability of weapons is growing daily. Yet there is no consultation on the growing underground market, what is commonly known as the Black Market.

Almost everybody knows how the guns are getting into the island, who brings them in, how they get here, who sells them and how it becomes available to Joe Public. But rather than dealing with this chronic problem, it is sidelined in the interest of economic needs.

The same situation unfolds with the growing cost of imported goods. We all know how imports of all types are sky-rocketing in price, yet you do not hear of consultations that relate to lowering our import bill, or becoming more self-sufficient in local produce, or an injection in the livestock industry, or better still, revive the defuncted meat processing plant that became dormant during the reign of the last Government.

Sports still remain a hobby, waiting for an occasional sponsor to offer a trophy or two — or some cash — for effort, rather than embracing the idea of creating a professional sporting league and giving payment to sportsmen and coaches and ensuring that revenue is derived from sporting facilities.

We have to change our priorities; we need to look at life through new lenses, we have to deal with employment as a more crucial need and think outside the box and stop doing the same thing and expect a different result.

There are various forms of education and it is more needed by people who are out of school.

Enforcement of law and order is a necessity that can no longer be ignored. The police, as well as law enforcers, must step-up their game. I have said several times, in several articles, that if your workers do not produce meaningful change they need to be replaced, even though it means importing the needed service.

The culture of favouring locals because they are born here is non-productive, because we need results, not favours.

We also have to stop waiting for Government to do this and that and give-out handouts and give to the so-called “maleway”.

As we prepare for this festive season, I pray that the makers and shakers of change start to put their thinking caps on rather than their Santa Claus head-gear.

If tomorrow or next year has to be any different, we have to do things differently. And don’t get too merry in the Christmas season, forgetting that there is work ahead — and that always, apwes nwel se mal tete!

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