OWNERS of the Rex St. Lucian hotel have decided to demolish the age-old structure and build a brand new 300-room hotel, based on the increased occupancy and growing visitor arrivals. The demolished Rex was one of three hotels standing astride each other at Rodney Bay. Several other hotels are either renovating or rebuilding, to take advantage of what they project will be better days for tourism from their standpoint. (VOICE Photo)
It is late but it is being done just the same. The Rex was the hotel I chose to stay at
when ever I visited St.Lucia, only because, in my opinion it occupied the best Beach
on the Island. It was the beach that, before any Hotel was built, me and some friends
would grab our Bicycles and ride to that beach, with snacks and Sodas.It was a long time
ago. I don’t know how many times over the years I’ve stayed at that Rex.I got to know most
of the workers very well.
Now about the design and construction of that malfunction of a structure,I always voiced my
opinion that I would be glad to see the physical demise of that structure. Why? it didn’t function well.
Some may say, who’s this guy and why does he always comment on things of design, construction
planning – well, it’s because I love St.Lucia and I want the best for my country. I have much more To
say and will soon let you know who really the FOX is because he will soon be home again for Christmas.
Furthermore, on this spot – the best Beach on the Island – let us not have another grotesque
design and call it just another 300 room Hotel. I challenge the developers to please publish
right here in the VOICE an illustrated Architectural perspective of the proposed design before
any Permit is issued for a final O.K. to start construction. Let us begin to do things correctly
and accept, when required any critique on a structure which impacts the economy of the country.