PRESS RELEASE – THE Kiwanis Club of Castries, in observance of its 35th year of service to nation, commenced celebrations with a church service at the Marchand Roman Catholic Church on Sunday, November 19. At that service, members did a scripture reading, bidding prayers and offertory collection.
Kiwanis President, Louise Vite, also delivered a short address highlighting some of the achievements of the club over the past years, following which club members fraternized with members of the community and enjoyed a family brunch.

Today (Saturday), the club will host the first Divisional Council Meeting for the administrative year 2017/18 of Division 27 of the Eastern Canada and Caribbean District of Kiwanis International at the Bay Gardens Inn commencing at 9:00a.m.
The meeting will be chaired by Lieutenant Governor Claude Lislet of Martinique, who is expected to update the Division on regional and international matters which impact the Kiwanis movement as well as share and discuss Club, Division, District and International Goals.
Club Delegates from Martinique, Barbados, Antigua, Grenada, Dominica and St. Lucia are expected to attend the conference and share project ideas. Kiwanis Club President Louise Vite’ is expected to deliver the welcome address at the meeting, as well as update the Division on some of the projects undertaken here in St. Lucia by the local Kiwanis Club.
The highlight of the activities will take place later that evening when the Club hosts its 35th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner and Ball at Bay Gardens Hotel commencing at 7:00 p.m. At the event, all Kiwanis Past Presidents will be recognized and honoured and the new club executive for the administrative year 2017/18 will be presented by Lieutenant Governor Division 27 Claude Lislet.
The Club will also undertake a number of projects during the Christmas season, including its annual Children’s Christmas Party and providing Christmas hampers for the poor, elderly and needy families.
Members of the public are urged to come celebrate with us and support the less fortunate in our community, by purchasing tickets for the dinner which cost EC$150 each and are available from Kiwanian Vernessa Long at Duty Free Caribbean, La Place Carenage on Jeremie Street, and Vice President Peter Alexander at Demerara Mutual Life Insurance on Chisel Street, as well as from other Kiwanis members.