Letters & Opinion


NO matter how you turn it; no matter when you cut your dancing shoes; and no matter where you first read or heard of it, the command to ‘rise up’ is challenging and intrusive. It challenges one to think. If forces one to meditate on that far-reaching instruction, to rise up. Why rise-up, and who cares to make such a demand? The answer dear reader is likely to be as diverse as there are persons in Saint Lucia to whom such an order may be legitimately directed.

The recent issuance by government that persons visiting its offices on business ought to be properly dressed is not dissimilar to an order to rise-up. ‘Rise-up’ has always seemed a more potent political slogan than ‘change’ or ‘time for change.’ It conjures up images of a leader or a government persuading, cajoling and encouraging its citizens to greater effort in the national interest.

Real change happens not only when an electorate decides to change its government, but more so when the government begins to sow the seeds of progress. The most important of these seeds is that which makes people take a fresh look at themselves and to act with new pride. Attire, hygiene, clear thinking and new confidence are all part of real change that happens when a government is focused on putting people first.

There is little doubt that the new government of Saint Lucia is determined to deliver on its promise of ‘five-to-stay-alive’ campaign statement. At least two of the ‘five-to-stay-alive’ promises have already been fulfilled and the government is working to expedite the other three in quick time. This success is being achieved despite the sham budget hurriedly passed by the former government and the empty treasury it left.

A test of any government is whether it has instilled genuine pride in its constituents. To get people to change, to care, to learn to listen, to think and to adopt new habits and improve the way they look, smell and conduct themselves is often a challenge. Bad habits die hard and change takes time, patience and constant encouragement. Lawlessness, untidiness, excessive noise in public is a sign of decay, which a government that is worth its salt will be anxious to correct and reverse.

It is with such ideas in mind that one understands the context of the issuance by the government of a dress code for citizens wishing to do business in government offices. To ask people who may not have considered the difference in dress when leaving home for church, beach, party, or crucially, for transacting business in government offices is both timely and appropriate. The order to step up has gained support among the rank and file.

Perhaps there ought to be further instructions aimed specifically at young men to encourage them to ‘pull-up.’ Most persons would appreciate a demand to ‘pull-up’ is long overdue. Too many of us have been subjected to the wearing of unsightly dirty jockey shorts by young men who seem to think there is a special reward for those whose trousers fall lowest beneath their waist, regardless how dirty their underpants.

Of course there are those who will insist that that the wearing of one’s trousers below the navel line is ‘style’ and not cultural decay. Some may even argue that the laissez-faire attitude ‘let the people do as they please’ popularized in the nineteen sixties, be allowed free rein. But is the style and mores of the nineteen sixties applicable in the twenty-first century?

The word laissez-faire describes a point of view that opposes regulation or interference by the government in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary to allow the free enterprise system to operate according to its own rules. No one seriously takes issue with an economic system which allows individuals to practise their trade freely according to the laws. In any event, should such laissez-faire apply also to a dress code in this day and age?

One is compelled to draw a line however tenuous between the acceptance of economic freedom and social revolution. The social revolution of the sixties suggested that women should burn their bras and that men roam freely with minimum clothing. Can that still stand today?

, the burning question remains where, when and how a small developing state steeped in religious and moral teachings draws the line between economic freedom and the ever changing mores and social freedoms of society.

The announcement of the new dress code for doing business in government offices has my categorically and unflinching support because it aims to uplift and raise standards. I say further, that that same dress code should apply to persons visiting clinics, hospitals and health centres. It would be a crying shame if the soon to be opened Owen King EU hospital is allowed to be degraded by visitors who are inappropriately dressed, unwashed and loud. The government should be congratulated for having the courage to do what is right – and long overdue.

A successful government challenges its people to rise-up no matter how difficult the circumstances. To rise-up, to observe, to listen attentively, and to look at oneself with pride should be the job of parents. The government, the private sector and others must step in where parents have failed to impart such information. An ungraded dress code is a call to rise up.


  1. Changing the predominant religion from an all too li liberalpagan
    Melting pot
    To that of a DOMINANT MONOTHEISTIC practice
    Should provide instant frame work for the dress
    Sanitary and superlative moral codes you speculate

  2. In speaking of MONOTHEISTIC relgions that instill pride
    I urge you to read very closely the volumes of CITED
    Discussions published by this forum’s premier blogger

  3. I have the distinct experimental advantage of compring 2
    Groups of high school girls. On their commute
    One group (RC) wears pleated mini skirt uniform
    With sheer tights that would make an ole geezer
    Groan umm yearn for young stallion days at SMC?

  4. The second group are Muslim African-Americans
    Their school uniforms cover them from head to ankle
    This group is quieter and appear to be discussing
    Their Academic agenda.
    On the other hand the mini skirted group was giggly and
    And chatting over their respective music video IDOLS

  5. I would prefer my daughter covered head to ankle over tpical call girl on west 42 street attire
    Your topic is relevant but it does not even hint at the decadent root of the pervasive SODOM that has SNARED this once Simply Beautiful slice of Paradise

  6. ….the mutations from the ethane beneath the mango trees are at it again……They are intimidate by Women sexuality,…….listen: Women have brains too,……you cowards!

    1. SAMJackoff
      As per usual you fail to read closely or objectively
      Your frenzed. (imp)patience to achieve ejaculatory elation via your effeminate palms?whenever religion surfaces, is so apparent
      Are you a sweet meat dessert centerpiece @le presbitierre
      Or real men associated with leslieLand
      Electrify your pea sized gonads
      Any who knuckle head
      Of course JEZEBEL(your) GODmother had a brain
      But its her gift of sLUTTYattire and physical hoe mongering that continues to snare both bold and timid males from their school desks
      Ask Peetar
      After all he succumed when hemlnes were maxi and bras we’re designed for nuns?..
      If shrewd Peetar with vaults of academic preparatory support IMPREGNATE a nun like lassie thus derailing his advanced levels at SMC
      IMAGINE the losing battles faced by male students whose academic focus competes with the panty lines of girls thongs
      Pushup bras
      Form fitting lycra spandex peddle um pedal pushers
      Lace hemmed batty riders
      Loud lipstick
      Provocative hip switching etc
      So you recommend all the above for our unprrpred black boys
      So that they continue the perverse cycle of socio economic DEPREDATION or mental slavery.

  7. /

    It is simply astonishing to observe this miseducated Negro Sambo Black Pete Josie’s perpetual efforts directed at the Black people in this island, and his attempt to portray the Chastanet Crime Family, who are now engaged in the importation of prostitution, Gambling, and illicit Drug Distribution to our shores, as some kind of moral renaissance for the Black Lucians who were made to worship a so-called white man imposed upon them as their God and master while being held in captive bondage by the Evil Caucasian Christian who has deceived the world and told them that God is a white man who got a ten-year old virgin pregnant while she was married to a man named Joseph, and had a white son named Jesus with blue eyes and blond hair and is the master of God himself. God cannot even talk to me unless this White Jesus gives him permission.

    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    Are Lucians this sick that they will start praying to the Chastanet Crime Family seeking exception from death and immunity from the common cold, and then claim these criminals saints, only to erect statues of stone to start praying to these miscreants to make them rich?

    I present Saint Michael the patron saint of extra judicial murder




  8. /

    So now Black Pete Josie is calling you black Lucians NASTY, UNHYGIENIC, STINKING, and the Chastanet Crime Family will teach you nasty, stinking Lucians how to use soap and water.

    Now this worthless hypocrite Black Pete, who can be found in every carbawey downing his rum, and championing the nakedness of public sexual intercourse in the streets on Carnival days, is today saying that you should not be allowed to be given medical treatment if you got shot while wearing pants that are too short, because Allen Chastanet will keep his promise to return you Christians back to Jesus.

  9. /

    The Chastanet Crime Family journeyed to the People’s Republic of China at the invitation of the Chinese Mafia described by Allen Chastanet as “major investors”, and the Chairman of Desert Star Holdings Limited Mr. Teo Ah King who applied for permission to establish a multi-billion dollar Gambling Complex in Saint Lucia. The Prime Minister returned home waving the white flag, yet clamming victory and transparency into the secret dealings with these Chinese mobsters.

    Allen Chastanet C.P.A. had this to say about his accounting skills : “Mr. Ah Khing and his team have really opened themselves up to scrutiny and transparency. They welcome it and they understand that given the magnitude of the project they are proposing, questions must be asked. Beyond that, they have invited me to every event and function that could possibly give the island extensive exposure. As Prime Minister, I believe valuable linkages were formed and should redound to some good opportunities for our economy”.

    I have too often said, “Lucians have a mental illness, I like calling , MAD COW DISEASE”. Why that name? It sounds good. First these crazy people have made a fraudster Allen Chastanet, a real Moo Moo, their Prime Minster, who promises them everything he touches will make their pennies turn to gold with a Chinese Chin Chin sound in their pockets.

    Then the first thing he does is give away half of the Vieux Fort area to the Chinese Mafia, while telling these mentally ill Lucians, it is a very ‘SECRET-TRANSPARENT” deal that cannot be revealed to the Lucian people at this time. This Swindler then goes around the world in fifteen days, attending Horse Races in China, with the services of Toe Ah Khing Chinese prostitutes, and Allen Chastanet returns telling people, he used his Accounting Degree to examined Toe Ah Khing’s Colon, and saw his Bank Accounts and Gold and diamond mines – telling you it was TRANSPARENT?? You people are retarded.

    This happened at the time the President of China Xi Jinping was meeting with leaders from around the World, and this Jackass Allen Chastanet was looking up horses asses. Allen later went on to be the sign language interpreter for President Obama.



  10. ?

    Is the CHASTANET CRIME FAMILY and their minions like Black Pete Josie SCHIZOPHRENIC ? These criminals verbalize TRANSPARENCY but act SECRETIVE. They verbalize MORALITY but act ABOMINABLE, advocating Health Care be denied to individuals struck with a “MALCADDY” while dressed in beach attire, even as the CHASTANET CRIME FAMILY sell Drugs and Alcohol at Coco Palm, where on any giving night one can observe individuals high on drugs sold at the bars peddled by the Chastanet Crime Family. Alcohol is one of the worst drugs in the society.


  11. ?

    Is the CHASTANET CRIME FAMILY and their minions like Black Pete Josie SCHIZOPHRENIC ?

    Here we can see a bolom of the Chastanet Crime Family disparage the Citizen By Investment Program, then the first thing this Criminal does is to increase the number of available CIPs to include Gamblers. Yet we are being told by this shameless reprobate Black Pete, that lying is the NEW STANDARD OF MORALITY in St. Lucia.



  12. This idiot pets is living up to his reputation I’m sorry to say: he wants to be used and thrives being used. We should not be surprised for its part of his legacy. And as usual whenever this screwed up behaviour is manifested the losers are always negroes and beneficiaries white. This man is as deceitful as they come.

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