Letters & Opinion


Mary-Juliana-Brice2BEING doubtful is a feeling of uncertainty about something. Sometimes persons just decide to doubt the things that someone says, or what they are trying to do. And they say, “This will never work.” Who are we to doubt others? We should be very positive in our support for one another, and in so doing, we get to see who the people really are.

Everyone has their own thoughts about what they would like to do, and what can be done. Why should we ever decide to doubt them as no one can ever know everything about others. On some occasions we doubt, but we are lacking the full details of what is going on. This is just a negative way of treating others, and this is not at all right.

Persons who are younger, do operate a bit differently than older persons. When one is much older, they have had the time to do lots of things that they wanted to. When the younger persons begin to do their stuff, the older persons sometimes doubt that they are doing the right thing, or that they will be successful. That is so wrong, as everyone has their own life’s journey, and they do know what they want because of who they are. To doubt them does not give them a chance to do what they think is required of them.

If we look back at what was done years ago, we can clearly see a great improvement, and lots of things are clearly different. When you doubt, do you expect people to remain in the past? Even if they follow up on some things of the past, they do add a bit more, and so it allows persons to deal with them in their current age and time.

Life is all about assisting others, and allowing them to be who they truly are. Why is it that some people when speaking to others, tell their doubts about someone? If being in doubt is not a good thing, why are they making people get negative, and in so doing do not support others? We should all be encouraging people to support one another, and not to go negative and abandon someone in the work they are looking into.

Doubting too is an undecided state of mind. If someone has already decided, why are you being doubtful just because you are undecided? Sometimes too, persons love to hesitate, and so they doubt what is going on with someone else. Hesitating is all about you, so please do not link your hesitation on to someone else. Also, if they see a person is very positive, and they look like they will be very successful, they doubt them big-time, as they do not want someone to be as successful as they have been. Why are we doing this? We need a positive and very active community, and so we should need positive vibes to continue. If persons are doing something wrong, only then can we assist them in doing the right things, so that no one is being hurt unconditionally.

Let us all become respectful people, so that we can allow our country to become positive, and especially as we celebrated Easter, and have accepted how well the Lord looked out for us all. Let us not doubt one another, but allow persons to perform God’s will in their lives.


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    Before reading your doctorate thesis on “DOUBT”, I doubted anyone could take Doubting all the way to infinity and arrive there safely. Much of what you say of doubting, invokes the image of an “Air-Head”, since doubting is a natural form of caution. Shouldn’t people doubt the possibility of jumping from an airplane naked, at 30,000 feet expecting to land safely on the Square? I doubt I can put my head in the mouth of a crocodile and live so I have given you an example of one of your minions who makes a living without doubt below.

    Perhaps if you approached things with some degree of skepticism/doubt, you would not be an obvious victim of White Supremacy, and the “Bobolist” who sold you the Rabbit and Eggs story. Here you are, a grown woman believing any and everything without a trace of doubt; even believing that God impregnated a ten-year old virgin named Mary, the wife of Joseph, so the Owner of Space and Time, Life and Death could become a Caucasian Male to kill himself, to pay Lucifer the “price” with his Precious Blood to ransom all humans being held hostage in Hell by the Great and Powerful God Lucifer, who almost overthrew God from the Throne of power, but captured Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Abel, Job, David, Samson and the trillions of humans being held in chains and being punished in Hell by Satan. So on the third day of his death, God descends into Hell to unlock the chains and Gates of hell to free the denizen, who were being punished and burned with fire and hot pitch, for the First Female being Snaked by Lucifer in the Garden of Eden.

    No doubt ? You believe in such misogynistic perversion with your doubtlessness, and fearless enough to ask me to join you by jumping into the Fire to celebrate the Resurrection of the Pagan goddess of Fertility, Estore/Easter? I doubt it, Juliana, thanks but no thanks. How about doubting, that if I nailed you in a box and dug a hole six-feet deep and buried you at Choc I can return to have intimate relationships with you? Necropolis ? a city of zombies, NO DOUBT ?

    I tell you people, this praying to a naked Caucasian male as your god and Saviour, has damaged your minds beyond any glimmer of doubts and hope.



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