All Women, Features


SO you seriously mean to tell me that International Women’s Day will be allowed to come and go with hardly a major event to raise awareness about this important day?

So kisa…nou pa mounase?

With the exception of a handful of women who held an unheard of panel discussion on the topic last week and Fiona Compton who has stayed all the way in the United Kingdom to run a campaign called #NotAskingForIt chronicling the fight for and by women against sexual, domestic and violent crime, it would seem that no one else was interested in acknowledging today’s importance… least not on a national level.

What befuddles me is that, we are in the days when such crimes as mentioned above are becoming so much more prevalent, yet there was no big fuss to use today’s significance to create a loud noise and to push that topic in the faces of the lawmakers and perpetrators showing that we will no longer stand for this rubbish.

I am bitterly disappointed that law men will invest their time in disseminating tips warning women about the dangers of rape etc. yet there is no information telling us what is being done to catch or stop perpetrators.

I am incensed that politicians will spend HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars towards their dirty campaigns to get votes and win the upcoming elections yet seemingly turn a blind eye towards some of the issues that really matter, like IWD, national security for women, new systems to find, punish and house perpetrators of sex and violent crimes against women as well as new or at least better systems put in place to treat victims of such crimes both physically but especially mentally.

I find it sick and insulting that private businesses would rather ply tens of thousands of dollars in “Fetes” and “Bon Tan” as opposed to funding an initiative that would blow the lid off those growing scourges and give the nation’s women some hope.

I guess we are chopped liver then! I guess we are just the pieces of meat that men see us as and feel that they have the God given right to cat call us on the street, undress us with their eyes, drool at us and even go as far as touching, grabbing or raping and beating us up if we don’t “pass it”

No longer are we to be seen as the queens as is our right, the mothers of nations, the loving daughters, sisters, aunts…wives who deserve respect. NO?

Because to me, this silence about today’s significance is the massive powdered pimp slap to the face that tells us just that…that we are no longer important to society.

But you know what? As much as the rest of society would like to turn a blind eye towards us women, I will stand in defiance and say “It’s OK, We don’t need your recognition because like we strong sisters have done throughout history, we will still stand strong and be just fine!”

I would like to take this opportunity to tell all the women out there: Happy International Women’s Day.

You all ROCK! You could be 100 or 10 but you are AMAZING and don’t you ever, for one millisecond feel anything less than that.

On this day and every day forth, walk with your heads up and be proud because no matter what anyone says, no matter how the opposite sex tries to break you down, no matter how society tries to make you believe that you are the “weaker sex”, you are valuable beyond belief and without you, the human race would fail to exist.

And before anyone tries to say that the same applies for men, scientists have already created a way in which women can reproduce without sperm…I know that it sounds absolutely bonkers but it’s real…google it! So in other words Ladies, like Beyonce said, we run this…

(Just for your information, yes I am being rather catty right now and I’m well within my right to be on this occasion because after all, how could people insult us in this way and not expect us to be upset and well…catty?)

I would like to extend a special greeting to all the women who are survivors of sexual, violent or any kind of domestic crimes…you women are stronger than you could ever imagine and if you were able to make it out of your situations alive, then there is hope not only for this generation of women but the ones coming up behind you.

Hold your heads up and know that you are not and cannot be broken no matter how far back you are bent and the only reason for this, is because you are WOMAN!

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