“Crime prevention means being aware of your environment and remaining alert to situations that could make you vulnerable to crime. We cannot list specific measures that will protect you from every threatening situation, which may arise. Instead, we hope to teach you how to think crime prevention in day-to-day living”, noted Corporal Zachary Hippolyte in his weekend crime tips to the nation.
He called on Saint Lucians to pay heed to what the Criminal Code says on the use of force outlined in Sections 34, 37 and 38.
Section 34, which deals with reasonable use of force in self defence states that a person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances to prevent crime, to protect himself or herself or another person from injury, to protect himself or herself or another person (with his or her authority) from trespass to himself or herself or the other person; to protect from injury or damage his or her property or property belonging to another person with that person’s authority.
Section 37, which deals with force to remove a trespasser states that a person in actual possession of a house, land or vessel, or any other person authorized by him or her, may use such force reasonable in the circumstances as is necessary for removing a person who has unlawfully entered such house, land, or vessel, and who having been lawfully requested to depart, refuses to depart.
Section 38 which deals in force for recovery of possession of goods states that if a person wrongfully takes possession of or detains any goods, any other person who has against him or her, has a right to the possession of the goods, may upon his or her refusal to deliver up the goods on demand, use such force reasonable in the circumstances, either by himself or herself or by any other person, as is necessary for the purpose of recovering possession of the goods.
“These sections of law give you the right to use force, however, the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force is asking persons to use caution in all forms of confrontation as your use of force must be reasonable in the circumstances and never forget in all circumstances to call the police,” Hippolyte said.