OVER the past decade the evolution of financial technologies (FinTech) has taken the world by storm; from 2008 we have …
Bullying is Inappropriate Behaviour!
IS it correct to say that bullying is common place in St Lucia? Yes, I think so! It is in …
A Deputy Essential!
WHEN Trinidad & Tobago calypsonian Penguin sang and won the twin-island republic’s 1982 Road March Title with the ever-popular ‘A …
CARICOM Cannot Abandon Haiti Despite the President’s Failure to Respond to Offers
HAITI is in turmoil again. This time the countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) cannot be criticised for inaction, but …
Is Our System Designed to Deter Good Intentions?
AFTER listening to the leader of the opposition this last weekend and hearing all the proposed plans and legislation changes …
ON Thursday, October 3, 2019, the government unveiled a monument on the Castries waterfront roundabout, as part of the country’s …
Ambush at the White House!
THE world’s most famous hug — between a mourning Saint Lucian brother and the American killer of his kin in …
ECCB Unveils A New Digital Dollar The World Can Bank On!
I gave-up my usually precious Saturday morning to attend the October 12, 2019 Stanley French Educational Lecture at the Financial …
Still Dreaming On Monkey Mountains!
Hip Hip Hooray! Ethiopia, Africa’s elder nation and home to the African Union (AU), with 102 million people spread across …
Resist the UN Being Held to Ransom
THE United Nations (UN) is facing a severe shortage of cash, and, according to its Secretary-General, António Guterres, “the Organization …
Sorry Folks, We’ve Made Ourselves Victims by Choice
HISTORY always gives us an indication of our origin. It clearly defines our past, our struggles, as well as our …
The Hug That Rocked The World
WITH a spiritual act of courage and in his magnificent humility, Brandt Jean conferred upon himself and his deceased brother, …
Celebrating Simple Design
IT was right that the Police Chief apologised for the monumental traffic that was experienced last week Thursday, due to …
Baron Foods Gets Russian Taste. Next Stop: Outer Space?
“Few companies have developed Caribbean brands that have carried the region beyond its boundaries and borders and Barons ranks as …
Kith and Kin in the red-hot Botham Jean Murder Trial and Sentence: Anger Over Guyger Turned Amber!
I always had the gut feeling that the white police officer who shot a black man stone-cold dead in Texas …
How Do We Change for Better When One Man’s Meat is Another’s Poison?
WHEN dissatisfied with the present status of things, to get a different result you must try to change the existing …
To Meet or not to Meet?
THOSE who know me know that I believe in innovation and entrepreneurship as fundamental components to driving any economy. For …
DSH-Horse Race Track: Our Gift to Teo Ah King
IN business parlance, the “loss leader” term is used to explain a situation where a business sells an unprofitable product …
The Quality of Mercy
MANY were stunned this week to observe the close of the trial for the murder of Botham Jean in Dallas, …
Haiti in Revolution Mode – Yet Again!
Over two centuries after the 1804 Haitian Revolution ended slavery and established the world’s first black republic under the leadership …