
Ministry of Equity launches Feedback Redress Mechanism


Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Equity, Social Justice, and Empowerment, Dr. Charmaine Hippolyte Emmanuel
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Equity, Social Justice, and Empowerment, Dr. Charmaine Hippolyte Emmanuel

To further enhance the effectiveness of its social assistance programs and improve targeting and coverage of assistance to vulnerable persons in Saint Lucia, the Ministry of Equity, Social Justice, and Empowerment has officially launched the Feedback Redress Mechanism (FRM).

The FRM, part of the broader implementation of the National Social Protection Policy 2022-2030, provides an avenue for citizens and beneficiaries of social assistance to offer feedback or submit complaints about varied programme services. The platform will be available to all individuals and families accessing social assistance programmes across various sectors, including the Ministry of Equity, the SSDF, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Education.

Beneficiaries can use the FRM to highlight concerns, report issues, or offer suggestions on how programmes can better serve the community. The goal is to ensure that those most in need receive appropriate support while giving decision-makers the insights they need to redirect resources where necessary.

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Equity, Social Justice, and Empowerment, Dr. Charmaine Hippolyte Emmanuel says the FRM is not only a tool for feedback but a dignified platform, ensuring that everyone who depends on these social services has the means to be heard and for the system to respond effectively.

“The Ministry of Equity, Social Justice, and Empowerment prides itself on improving service delivery. We strive toward excellence and want to ensure our people are heard and responded to. I’m confident that this approach will help strengthen our existing social protection initiatives and boost the confidence of our service users.”

The participation of key stakeholders, including Social Transformation Officers, members of the Welfare Unit, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and the Saint Lucia Social Development Fund (SSDF), highlights their essential role in supporting the Ministry’s efforts to improve social services and achieve sustainable results for those who need it most.

Regional Coordinator for Caritas Antilles, Marcia Haywood, emphasized that introducing the FRM will promote greater transparency, accountability, and responsibility.

“Many of the people we serve are the same target group that the Ministry and the Government work with, so I believe this initiative will be instrumental in ensuring that the future of social protection is a healthy one, a functional one, and has an accountability mechanism built into the system.”

The launch of the Feedback Redress Mechanism reaffirms the commitment of the Ministry of Equity Social Justice and Empowerment to building resilient communities and ensuring that every citizen can live with respect and security.

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