
Saint Lucia Remains Committed to the Collective Attainment of OECS Goals

On March 5, 2025, the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) convened its Third Council of Ministers for Immigration Meeting at the Radisson Beach Resort in Grenada. The meeting was chaired by Grenada’s Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell.

The Immigration Ministers focused on several key issues impacting the sub-regional grouping where Saint Lucia was represented by the Minister for Home Affairs, Crime Prevention, and Persons with Disabilities, the Honourable Jeremiah Norbert.

He highlighted that the meeting’s agenda centered on several significant talking points. These included Strengthening Border Security in light of diminishing international support for border security and the implementation of Contingent Rights, which emphasized enacting the OECS Contingent Rights Policy through a draft Model Bill. This legislation aims to ensure that citizens moving between OECS Member States have equal access to employment, education, healthcare, and social services without discrimination.

In the area of regional cooperation, the Council of Ministers also advocated for the swift implementation of the CARICOM Arrest Warrant Treaty and the Advance Passenger Information (API) Passenger Name Record (PNR) Model Bill to enhance data sharing among border agencies.

Reflecting on the unwavering commitment espoused by his colleague ministers at the recent St. George’s meeting, Minister Norbert remarked that: “As we work towards a stronger, more unified OECS, this meeting has reaffirmed our efforts at balancing security and free movement of persons within our region. We have taken key steps towards implementing the Contingent Rights Policy, ensuring that our citizens can live, work, and access essential services freely. This is a step forward in terms of strengthening our sub-region.”

The meeting also featured presentations from the Caribbean Community Implementation Agency for Crime and Security (CARICOM IMPACS) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), addressing topics like crime prevention, labour migration policies, and refugee processes within the region.

The Third Meeting of the OECS Council of Ministers for Immigration, held on March 5, 2025, in Grenada, focused on the theme “Strengthening Border Security and Consolidating Freedom of Movement.”

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