Letters & Opinion

Living in a state within a state!

Image of Carlton Ishmael
By Carlton Ishmael

In my country, there is nothing the government does that seems good enough for some people.

Some would like things to remain the same because of self-interest.

I have seen many strides made by the city district representative to improve the city, yet all that is done is received with constant criticism.

Most people who operate within the City think of themselves, but not of the state and there are many examples too numerous to mention.

As far as most people think, especially vendors, development hinders their livelihood. Nobody wants to see the bigger picture.

Take, for example, the fish vendors who operated close to the Castries Market. It mattered not the stench, the health concerns, or the unsightly operation of their business, all they cared about was being central and operating in an area of convenience.

Now, I would have sided with most of them if alternative space or improved conditions were not provided for them, but regardless of the upgrade and the new opportunity to vend in a clean and convenient location at the Fisheries Complex, they consider they are now located “behind God’s back”, even though the bulk of the daily catch is sold mere feet from them.

The same attitude is displayed by food vendors and the sidewalk vending has spread to every street and corner, almost to the point that passersby and pedestrians can nearly not find space to pass and in some cases transportation is hindered, yet nobody seems to see or accept that their operational space is and has become an inconvenience for the public.

I can also talk also about the new performing space near the Sans Soucis Bridge that gives a new kind of opportunity for both locals and the tourism industry especially because of its close proximity to our cruise ship ports, but rather than seeing the good in that venture, all we hear are the usual criticisms, even from performing artists who cannot see the good in it.

The beautification of the city with flower pots and plants is not seen as an asset but as a hindrance to want-to-be vendors.

Mind you some of the places built to date to accommodate them are not the issue, but instead, it’s one of not paying the rent for maintenance and upkeep, yet they claim that the new outlets are too expensive for them.

It is like what most people want is to do their own thing in their own way and nobody should condemn their actions because as far as they are concerned they are earning a livelihood and any restrictions are not favourable or not in their best interest and the government is not supportive.

This attitude is supported by the opposition even though when they governed, they did nothing to improve the quality of life in the city. Not too long ago everyone spoke about the absence of policing, now that the state has introduced hundreds of new policemen and women, the new cry is that the police are stopping them too frequently and they are being harassed.

So I dare ask, what do the people want: Is development not supposed to take place? Must it always be about self-interest? Can we not see the bigger picture? Is being radical the order of the day and are constraints and guidelines not to be in the mix?

Must we be accommodating to everyone regardless of the social conditions and forward-thinking plans that the city planners have conceptualized be thrown out of the window? Must we keep things as is for the masses, just because they do not share the vision of the state?

Will we remain backwards just to please ourselves, because the more things stay as is the less we improve our quality of life?

We can’t have our cake and eat it because while other islands and countries are moving forward, we are content to stay behind.

Not too long ago the Chaussee Road was being rehabilitated, but rather than seeing the good everyone kept talking negatively because of a little inconvenience, but now, when you see the finished product, all are pleased with the work done thus far.

I say you can’t make omelettes without breaking eggs.  We have the same complaint about our road network. We know that improvement has to happen, but nobody wants to accommodate the state with their planning and repair works. But yet they complain about the road, and the usual saying is that the government is doing nothing to improve conditions in their lives.

I have travelled the globe and everything we try to improve has been done elsewhere, but as far as most people are concerned we are not supposed to make an effort to improve things at home. When they travel they go with the flow, but at home, everything should stand still. Wow! What an attitude! What a concept! What a people we have become, everyone caring only about their own survival and ‘choo-mack for the balance’.

The opposite side is chief in condemning all that the country does, just to give the impression that they care more about our livelihood and they will be the answer to all our needs, wants and desires.

The world will leave us behind and too late will be our cry. We must think of tomorrow and see progress as a necessary need for all, not for the convenience of a few.

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