The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs says it has assessed the health needs of the population in general, based on the population density in the various health regions, the morbidity profile and the proximity to hospitals and other significant infrastructure.
At present the physical public health infrastructure is divided into five levels of care. The level five facilities include the Millennium Heights Medical Complex and the St. Jude Hospital. The level four facilities include the Gros Islet Polyclinic, the Dennery Hospital, Soufriere Hospital and the new Dr. Betty Wells Urban Polyclinic located at Dr. Winston C. Parris Medical Complex (former Victoria Hospital). Each polyclinic/community hospital provides clinical support to the wellness centres ranging from level one to level three.
“Our public health system has the distinct advantage of a network of 33 Wellness Centres situated within three miles of the various communities. This facilitates the provision of primary care services, including preventative care island-wide. The Ministry of Health, through the health systems strengthening project, is strengthening the primary care services. This is the most cost-effective intervention in health,” a release from the ministry stated.
According to the ministry, it is working towards the establishment or strengthening of strategically placed Emergency and Urgent care facilities providing extended hours of services with basic diagnostic services to improve access to timely, quality and equitable health services. These services will be delivered through the Gros-Islet Polyclinic, Dr. Betty Wells Urban Polyclinic, Dennery Hospital, Soufriere Hospital and the Vieux-Fort Wellness Centre. This should reduce the number of patients accessing the Emergency Rooms of the Saint Jude Hospital and Millennium Heights Medical Complex for non-emergency care.
Centres of Excellence are also being developed to provide a wider range of health services at community wellness centres across the island. With the increasing health needs placed on the Castries health facilities and the increased population numbers and urban centre, the existing structures are limited in providing the expansion that is needed at this point and in the future.
“We have also noted the overutilization of the Emergency Room of the Millennium Heights Medical Complex for non-emergency cases leading to long waiting times, delayed care and frequent bed shortages. Presently, there is the need for extended operating hours of the Dr. Betty Wells Urban Polyclinic up to midnight which will include, weekends and holidays to facilitate urgent care with basic diagnostic laboratory and radiology services,” the release stated.
The ministry noted that establishing the Dr. Betty Wells Urban Polyclinic required increased resources invading human resources, equipment and other supplies. As of December 16, 2024, with the rollout of the first phase of Dr. Betty Wells Urban Polyclinic, clients can access a range of services. The National Eye Clinic will be providing general eye services, Diabetic Retinopathy screening, and laser treatment, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm daily.
General Medical Clinics, Diabetic and Hypertensive Clinics, Management of Minor Wounds, Dressing Services, Urgent Care and Pharmacy Services, will be provided daily including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 8 am to midnight.
In the second phase in 2025, the services to be available at the Dr Betty Wells Urban Polyclinic will include:
• Ante-Natal / Post-Natal Clinic
• Child Health Clinic
• Family Planning Clinic
• Cancer Screening
• Counselling – VCT:
• Home Visits In addition to the basic package of services, the urban polyclinic will provide:
• Adolescent health, men’s health,
• Physical activity programs
• Reproductive health clinics
• Hearing health Services
• Daily dental services
• Nutrition Services
• Community Mental Health Services
• Counselling services
• Specialist clinics from visiting consultants as required
“The Ministry of Health would like to thank the public and healthcare workers for their patience and support during this time. We encourage the public to utilize the health facility closest to them. The Ministry of Health will continue to strengthen health services across the island to ensure access to quality healthcare for all,” ended the ministry’s release.