Letters & Opinion

Living in the age of global warfare

Carlton Ishmael
By Carlton Ishmael

Today, mankind has reached the stage when rogue leaders and persons with money can decide who lives and who dies. Today’s weapons have become so sophisticated, that one can actually stay miles away and direct their weapons to cause destruction anywhere and anytime, in the world. Drones and electronic guided missiles are the order of the day. 

The control of mankind is calculated and determined by the money and ideology of those who run things. If a world leader chooses to destroy another country, especially if he or she has the backing of Western countries like the USA or Britain, then they can kill and destroy millions at random and such actions are usually referred to as ‘protecting’ their sovereignty.

Such examples are presently seen in the Middle East, in Ukraine and even today. Haiti is ruled by lawless men and the USA decides if Cuba and other Latin American countries should be free to do as they please as independent nations. They decide how the rest of the island’s people should earn their economic means and their compliance with first-world demands.

There are no more free people and recently the whole world was contaminated with a man-made plague called COVID. Today’s business is all about the proliferation of drugs and arms, and offering contaminated foods to all who have gotten hooked on the industrial way of life.

No one country can decide its destiny without being censored by the powers that be. Such players like Netanyahu, Putin, Kim Jong Un, Trump, etc. have taken over the world and anybody who dares to go against their physiology becomes an enemy.

The persons of the world are all bystanders, just like in the Hitler era: we all sit back and watch selectively dictated actions being taken. The concept of freedom of choice or association does not exist anymore. Our tomorrow is not guaranteed, our planet is not being assured continuation, our livelihood everywhere is all threatened, and our religion or culture plays no part in our survival. Material needs are all that is important to some, and humanity is indispensable.

A few of the selective rich are now building empires in space and it is literally choo-mack for the balance.

When did it all begin, when will it end? And how can subjected people change what they are destined to become? No one is safe, nowhere is safe, life on earth is dictated by the dictates of the Governments in control of this new world order. What a way to go!

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