Letters & Opinion

Is the Society Responsible for Breeding Criminality?

Carlton Ishmael
By Carlton Ishmael

In today’s Society, to get ahead it’s all about how qualified you are, or if you have selective skills and a squeaky-clean record. It starts with applying for a job, but many of those who really need a job may not have all the prerequisites required for it. 

The system established by the elites is to select “only on merit” and bar so-called non-qualified persons from joining their ranks, on the basis of not having what it takes to be accepted.

Many people never took being qualified or educated seriously, or ensuring that they learnt a relevant skill to fit in within the society without being discriminated against.

It is not knowing where to turn, or what next to do to earn to survive, that forces some persons, especially young men, to seek survival by any means.

When you have passed the age of parental dependency, and maybe you have become a new father, or have a girlfriend to care for, or you need to stand on your own because you are being pressured to find something to do, that is when criminality clogs your mind.

If you cannot land a legitimate job because of all the set barriers, then you will conclude that it’s about survival by any means possible and the only option then becomes seeking assistance from the street merchants of the underworld, or the so-called Black-Market society and culture. It is about I will help you get started as long as you can return a favour, regardless of the kind of favour. So, if you need your first kilo of white powder, or your first stash of weed to push or become an outlaw like the rest of them, that’s no problem. No qualifications are necessary, just one rule: You must pay back, or do a required favour in return, whenever called upon.

In other words, you must pay the piper, as failing to live by that code can become your demise, not forgetting that nothing is for free and the one responsible for lifting you from the ground, is the one dictating your actions.

You can grow and earn, beg borrow or steal, kill or be killed, it’s all part of the rules of the game, it’s all about making choices and taking chances. This is about the only realistic option that some people have because they have been shut-out of earning a livelihood legitimately for so long, all because of the system.

Now you have become fearless, emboldened, radical, defiant and outrageous, all in the name of survival. You now blame the Society, or the Government and the System for not giving you the chance to find meaningful ways for survival and you feel justified that your actions are all legitimate and necessary.

In the meantime, because of your actions, plus greed and jealousy, now you feed on the weak, the humble and the law-abiding citizens to build your empire by becoming a modern-day terrorist, a kind of modern-day Robin Hood and a full-fledged law-breaker. It’s like going back in the times of Cowboys and Crooks and Bank and Train Robers — and becoming a self-made money man and the surviver against social discrimination.

Now, to be noticed, to be accepted and become acknowledged, you must show-off. It’s about the bling, the fast cars, the choice bikes and having choice women, drinking and smoking the finest, quick to  show that you are not cash-strapped, making a social statement to prove The System wrong for alienating you.

You need to be counted, you need new status, you want to be remembered as the Don of your times.

So, after all I have outlined here, I now ask: Who is to blame for the actions displayed by our youthful generation?

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